Your Downloads panel and Library keep track of files you download while using Firefox. This article explains how to access and manage the files you download in Firefox and how to configure your download settings.
Table of Contents
How do I access my downloads?
You can access downloads from your current browsing session by clicking on the Downloads button in the toolbar.
- The arrow will appear blue
to let you know there are unviewed downloaded files.
- During a download, the Downloads button becomes an icon
that gradually fills with color to show your download's progress. You can click the download item, even before it's finished downloading; Firefox will open the file immediately once it is available.
Click on the Downloads button to open the Downloads panel.
The Downloads panel displays your five most recently downloaded files, along with their size and download status. To see all of your downloads at any time, go to the Library by clicking Right-clickHold down the Control key while you click the Downloads button for options, such as to hide the Downloads button when there are no downloads in the current session or to show the Downloads panel when a download begins.
at the bottom of the Downloads panel.
See downloads history
The Library displays information for all of your downloaded files unless you've cleared them from your history.
Click the menu button and click from the menu.
The Library window will open, showing a list of your downloaded files.
How can I manage my downloaded files?
You can check on downloads at any time. Click the Downloads button to open the Downloads panel. The Downloads panel displays up to five of your most recently downloaded files, as well as their size and download status. Alternatively, click the menu button
and then click to view your downloads in the Library window, which displays a list of your previous downloads, along with the size, source and download time for each file.
You can manage your files directly in the Downloads panel or in your Library. Options will appear to the right of each file during each stage of the download:
- Pause: You can pause any downloads currently in progress. Right-clickHold down the Control key while you click the file and select . (Right-clickHold down the Control key while you click the file entry and select , when you want to continue downloading the file.)
- Cancel
: If you no longer need to download a file, click the button at the right of the file entry. This button turns into a refresh symbol; click it again to restart your download.
- Open the file: When a download has finished, you can click on the entry directly to open the file.
- Show in Folder
: Once a file has finished downloading, the icon to the right of the file entry becomes a folder. Click the folder icon to open the folder that contains that file.Show In Finder
: Once a file has finished downloading, the icon to the right of the file entry becomes a magnifying glass. Click the magnifying glass icon to show that file in the Finder. To set the folder where your downloads go, see Change where downloads are saved, below.
- Go to Download Page: Right-clickHold down the Control key while you click the file to bring up the menu. Choose this option to visit the webpage where the file came from.
- Remove the file's entry: If you do not wish to keep a record of a particular download, you can remove the entry for a file. Right-clickHold down the Control key while you click the file entry, then select in the context menu. This will remove the entry from the list but will not delete the file itself.
- Retry a Download
: If for any reason a file does not finish downloading, click the button to the right of the entry — a refresh symbol — to retry.
- Clear Downloads: Click the button at the top of the Library window to clear the entire history of downloaded items. This will not delete the downloaded files.
- Delete a downloaded file: You can delete a downloaded file that you don't want to keep. Right-clickHold down the Control key while you click on the file entry and select . This will remove the file from your disk.
Set Firefox to always open similar files
When you download a file, you can configure Firefox to always open similar files. Right-clickHold down the Control key while you click the file in the Downloads panel and select from the context menu. This will add an entry for that file type to the Applications section of the panel in Firefox settings, where you can configure how Firefox handles that type of file. To learn more, see Manage file types and download actions in Firefox.
Change where downloads are saved
File downloads are saved in the folder specified in Firefox Settings . To change that folder:
- In the Menu bar at the top of the screen, click and then select or , depending on your macOS version.Click the menu button
and select .
- In the
- Click the button next to the Save files to entry.
- Choose the downloads folder you wish to use.
Change download actions for file types
You can change what action Firefox will take for handling downloads for different types of files when you browse the Web, such as opening the file with a specified application or always asking you what to do for that type of file.
- In the Menu bar at the top of the screen, click and then select or , depending on your macOS version.Click the menu button
and select .
- In the panel, scroll down to the Applications section.
- Select the file type you wish to change and click on the arrow under the Action column.
- Choose the action you wish to take in the drop-down menu.
For more information, see Manage file types and download actions in Firefox.
Download protection
Before beginning a download, Firefox will attempt to protect you from potentially malicious or unsafe downloads, and will block downloads from insecure connections. To learn more, see the Mozilla Security blog posts Firefox 93 protects against Insecure Downloads, Enhancing Download Protection in Firefox and Improving Malware Detection in Firefox. If something is suspected, the download will not begin, but rather the Downloads panel will display a warning message:
Potentially malicious downloads are detected using Google Safe Browsing service. The file name will be displayed along with the warning message:
- This file contains a virus or malware.
Other files covered under download protection may be potentially unwanted downloads (explained in the Google Policy) that may make unexpected changes to your computer. Or, a download may not be malicious or unwanted, but simply not commonly downloaded. The file name will be displayed with one of these warning messages:
- This file may harm your computer.
- This file is not commonly downloaded.
Download protection is enabled by default in Firefox. For more information, see How does built-in Phishing and Malware Protection work?
How do I handle unsafe downloads?
When you see a malicious file or other types of potentially unsafe files in the Downloads panel, click on the right-facing arrow to choose what to do with the file. You will be given more information about the type of unsafe file and the option to allow the download or remove it:
Tip: The (right-click) context menu includes other options for handling any potentially harmful or malicious files listed in the Downloads panel that are pending download:
For example: Right-clickHold down the Control key while you click one of the potentially unsafe files that are pending download and select to save the file to your computer.