Avoid and report Mozilla tech support scams

Firefox, Firefox for... Firefox, Firefox for Android, Firefox for iOS, Thunderbird Последно актуализиран: 3 седмици,3 дни ago 85% of users voted this helpful
Нашите доброволци работят върху превода на тази статия. Докато бъде завършена, може би английската версия ще ви е от полза. Ако искате да ни помогнете да превеждаме статии като тази, моля, кликнете тук .

Mozilla does not provide telephone support, does not charge for downloads, upgrades or technical support and does not endorse any company that does. Companies that ask for payment or personal information for installing, updating or providing support for Firefox or Thunderbird are not affiliated with Mozilla and should be avoided.

Common technical support scams

  • Virus warnings that tell you to call a phone number, download software or allow a virus scan.
  • Companies that use Mozilla brand names and logos to charge you for installing, fixing and updating Firefox or Thunderbird.
  • Phone calls from "Mozilla representatives" pressuring you into paying for a service or granting access to your computer.

If you encounter any of these scams, visit the Federal Trade Commission (USA) or Econsumer.gov (international).

Protect yourself from scams

  • Mozilla does not offer telephone support. Do not call or give information to agents claiming to represent Mozilla.

Report trademark violations

Help stop scammers. If you see others using the Firefox or Thunderbird name or logo to represent Mozilla, submit a fraud report.

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