Mozilla account on

Mozilla Account Mozilla Account Последно актуализиран: 63% of users voted this helpful
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This article lists frequently asked questions about Mozilla accounts on Mozilla Support.

What is a Mozilla account?

A Mozilla account offers one login for many of Mozilla’s services, such as Sync, Firefox Monitor and others. Learn more about Mozilla accounts here.

Why have you changed the system to use Mozilla accounts?

As part of the Mozilla ecosystem, Mozilla accounts help streamline access to our products and services while giving users more security and the convenience of having just one login.

What has happened to my old Mozilla Support login?

You can no longer sign in using your old Mozilla Support credentials after the system upgrade was completed on April 14, 2020.

What if I have an existing Mozilla Support account and Mozilla account?

If you use the same email address for both accounts, we will automatically link your Mozilla Support account with your Mozilla account.

What if my Mozilla account email is different from my existing Mozilla Support account?

If you have an existing Mozilla Support account, we will link your Mozilla account for you. First, sign in to your Mozilla Support account. From there, you can follow our prompts to verify and link your Mozilla account to your existing Mozilla Support account.

What if I’m new to Mozilla Support?

Good news! When you create a Mozilla Support account, we will automatically create a Mozilla account for you.

Why can’t I change my avatar/image, password or email on my Mozilla Support (SUMO) profile?

Your profile information is integrated from Mozilla accounts. Changes to your avatar, password, email and other profile information are done on the Mozilla account settings page.

What if I'm locked out of my existing Mozilla account and want to ask for support?

See What if I'm locked out of Two-Step Authentication? and I'm having problems confirming my Mozilla account for possible solutions to those issues. If you cannot access your Mozilla account for other reasons, you can use another email address to create a new account, so that you can sign in to Mozilla Support and ask for help.

What if I can't sign in with a new or existing Mozilla account and want to ask for support?

Mozilla accounts does not support very old versions of Firefox. Try using a different browser or device to sign in to Mozilla Support or see Get community support - Additional resources for other support options.

Все още се нуждаете от помощ?

If you've tried the steps above and you're still unable to sign in, send a message to our support team.

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