How do I monitor multiple email addresses?

Mozilla Monitor Mozilla Monitor Последно актуализиран: 60% of users voted this helpful
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If you have more than one email address that you use online, you might want to keep track of any data breaches that might affect them. Mozilla Monitor can help you do that by sending you alerts whenever one of your email addresses appears in a breach. You don't need to create multiple accounts to monitor multiple email addresses. You can enroll up to 5 different email addresses from a single Mozilla account.

Monitored email addresses

Add an additional email address

  1. Go to the Mozilla Monitor website at, and sign in to your Mozilla account.
  2. At the Mozilla Monitor dashboard, on the left-hand side, click the Settings button Monitor option.
  3. Under the Monitor Settings Select edit your info button option, and click the Edit/Add button.
  4. Under Monitored email address, click the add email address button button.
  5. Type in the email address you want to monitor and click the send verification link button button.
    send verification link
  6. An email will be sent to the inbox of the added address. You will need to click the verify email button button to complete adding it to Monitor.
    email verification
  7. Awesome! You're all set. Mozilla Monitor will alert you if this email address is ever compromised in a data breach.
Note: To add an email address on Monitor Plus, follow the same path.

Choose which email address will receive the breach alerts

To select the email address that will receive the breach alerts:

  1. On your Monitor Settings select Set notifications.
  2. Under the Instant breach alerts section, choose the email option that best fits you.
    instant breach alert
Note: To choose which email address will receive the breach alerts on Monitor Plus, follow the same path.

Stop monitoring an email address

To stop monitoring an email address, do the following:

  1. Under the Monitor Settings Select Edit your info option, and click the Edit/Add button.
  2. At the bottom of the page a list of your monitored email addresses will show up. Click next to the email address you wish to delete
    delete email
  3. Click the Save button. All set! This email address won't get any more alerts about data breaches that happen in the future.

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