How do I reply to a text message sent to my phone mask?

Firefox Relay Firefox Relay Последно актуализиран: 33% of users voted this helpful
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All messages sent to your phone mask will be forwarded to your true phone number. You can reply to these messages from your phone’s messaging app.

To reply to a forwarded message

  1. Open your phone’s message app.
  2. Find the forwarded message you wish to reply to. Forwarded messages will come from your Relay number. The sender’s number will appear in the body of the message.
  3. Start your reply by typing the last four digits of the phone number you want to respond to.
  4. Once you're ready, tap Send.
    Relay Text Reply

All set! The sender will receive the reply from your Relay number, keeping your true number private.

Note: Currently, Relay can only reply to text messages from US and Canadian senders.

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