Turn off ads on MDN Plus

MDN Plus MDN Plus Създаден: 57% of users voted this helpful
Никой все още не е помогнал за превода на тази статия. Ако вече знаете как работи локализирането за SUMO, започнете да превеждате сега. Ако искате да научите как да превеждате статии за SUMO, моля, започнете от тук.

If you are an MDN Plus user, you will see ads on the MDN pages by default. These ads are related to the website’s content and will not track your online activity. However, MDN Plus subscribers can opt-out and enjoy an ad-free experience. MDN Plus ad 1 To turn off ads on MDN Plus:

Note: You must have an MDN Plus 5 or an MDN Supporter 10 subscription plan to disable ads in MDN Plus.
  1. At the top right, click your profile picture and select My settings.
    MDN Plus ad 2
  2. Under Manage Account, toggle on the Go ads free option.
    MDN Plus ad 3
  3. You can also access the My settings menu by clicking the Don't want to see ads option below an ad.
    MDN Plus ad 4

All set! You'll not see MDN ads moving forward.

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