Find words on a page in Firefox Lite

Firefox Lite Firefox Lite Poslední aktualizace:

Starting on June 30, 2021, Mozilla will no longer support Firefox Lite. This application may continue to work on your device, but it will no longer receive support or security updates. For more information, visit End of support for Firefox Lite. Download Firefox Android or Firefox Focus for a fast, private and safe browsing experience.

Firefox Lite lets you search for words on a page.

  1. Klepněte prstem na tlačítko nabídky (tři tečky) ve spodní části displeje.
  2. Tap Find in page.
  3. Enter the words you want to find.
  4. Tap the up or down arrow to move through each instance of your search.
    find in page arrow ffios
  5. Tap X when you’re finished searching.

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