The Add-on Bar gives you quick access to add-on features

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The latest Firefox removes the Add-on bar and now places an Add-on's button in the main toolbar.

Add-ons in the toolbar - Win8

The Add-on Bar is a toolbar that holds all of your add-on shortcuts, giving you quick and easy access to their features. This article shows you how to use and customize the Add-on Bar.

What does the Add-on Bar do?

The Add-on Bar sits at the bottom of the Firefox window and gives add-ons a place to put shortcuts and other widgets.
Add-on Bar

How do I show or hide the Add-on Bar?

If you don't have any add-ons that use the Add-on Bar, it won't be shown by default but you can easily show or hide it whenever you want.

  • To show or hide the Add-on Bar, right-clickcontrol-click on an empty section of the Tab Strip and check or uncheck it in the pop-up menu.
    • If the Add-on Bar is open already, you can close it by clicking on the close icon on the bar itself.
    • You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + /Command + /.

How do I customize the Add-on Bar?

You can customize the Add-on Bar the same way you customize any of the other Firefox toolbars:

  1. Right-clickControl-click on an empty section of the Tab Strip, select Customize... and the Customize Toolbar window will open.
  2. Drag and drop the items you want into the Add-on Bar.
    • To add an item, drag it from the Customize Toolbar window onto the Add-on Bar where you want it to appear.
    • To remove an item from the Add-on bar, just drag it to the Customize Toolbar window.
    • To rearrange items, drag them into the order you want them to appear.
  3. When you are finished making changes, click Done to close the Customize Toolbar window and save your selections.
These same steps can be used for customizing other toolbars. See Customize Firefox controls, buttons and toolbars for details.

How can I rock my Firefox?

One of the best things about Firefox is that you can completely customize it to fit how you work. Rock Your Firefox is a great place to learn about add-ons and you can search through thousands of add-ons over at To learn more about add-ons, see Find and install add-ons to add features to Firefox.

Try it out: If you're not already using add-ons, download a few that look interesting and try them out for a while. If your not happy with them, Disable or remove Add-ons will show you how to get rid of them.

What happened to the Status Bar?

Although the Add-on Bar looks similar to the old status bar, it doesn't have any of its features. The status bar at the bottom of the Firefox window has changed in Firefox 4 and some of its features have been moved to other places. See What happened to the Status Bar? for more details.

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