Saving from subscription-based sites

Pocket Pocket Napórany: 08/21/2023 13% wužywarjow jo měło to za wužytne
Dotychměst njejo něchten pomagał, toś ten nastawk pśełožowaś. Jolic južo wěsćo, kak pśełožujo se na SUMO, zachopśo ned pśełožowaś. Jolic cośo wuknuś, kak móžośo nastawki za SUMO pśełožowaś, zachopśo pšosym how.

Update regarding subscription-based website logins in Pocket: To view articles from subscription-based sites in Pocket, open the item in View Original (Web View on iOS) to access the website's login page and sign in to your account to read the article.

At this time, our previous Site Logins feature described in this article is currently not available. As a workaround, while we revisit site logins in Pocket, you can open items in View Original as described above to log in and read these articles.
Please note: the Site Logins feature is only available in our mobile apps for iOS and Android. On Pocket's other apps, open the article in View Original (Web View on iOS) to access the website's login page.

Known Issues

I'm not able to tap the "Login" button to sign in to a website. Why is this?

Our team is aware of login issues with this feature and recommends opening articles in View Original instead of using the Site Logins feature.

Jo toś ten nastawk wužytny był?

Pšosym cakajśo…

Slědujuce wjelicne luźe su pomogli, toś ten nastawk pisaś:

Illustration of hands


Rosćo a źělśo swóju kompetencu z drugimi. Wótegrońśo na pšašanja a pólěpšćo našu wědowu datowu banku.

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