History of Bookmarks in Firefox

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current   Mozinet code formatting, specify the need of a space, fixed serial commas and removed “for fx114” markup
Approved M ernstke Mention '%s' placeholder when used with bookmark keywords; see also: http://johnbokma.com/firefox/keymarks-explained.html
Approved M Michele Rodaro Steps to add the Bookmarks Menu button to the toolbar are also for mac
Approved M Mozinet minor edits
Unreviewed   AliceWyman [Fx114] Search bookmarks option in the Bookmarks menu (see discussion)
Approved M Marcelo Ghelman minor edit
Approved M Fabi Added Search bookmarks available in Fx 114
Approved   soucet added <code> for better chars spacing
Approved M AliceWyman reordered sections, other edits
Approved M Marcelo Ghelman some changes
Approved M AliceWyman added "Bookmarks Menu button..." heading, removed Share link, other edits to last revision
Unreviewed   Denys Restructured the article. Expanded the "How do I organize my bookmarks?" section. Added & changed the formatting. Some minor fixes.
Approved M philipp l10n friendly share link
Approved M Mozinet minor edits, including extra lines removed, and commas & new line break before the Share this article line added
Unreviewed   AliceWyman How do I organize my bookmarks?: By default, bookmarks are stored in the last used folder (bug 1432064). Deleted pre-fx91 content
Approved M Bithiah Placed sharing link
Approved   AliceWyman updated link to renamed article
Approved M AliceWyman markup to add new Bookmarks menu button for fx89
Unreviewed   jscher2000 - Support Volunteer Added Proton-style icon for Bookmarks Menu button (pardon the clumsy for syntax)
Approved   AliceWyman new Image: Fx89EditBookmark (minor)
Approved M AliceWyman removed video, updated image for not fx88
Approved M AliceWyman updates for fx88, fx89; new images, customize template
Unreviewed   Fabi [Fx88] Version, Edit bookmarks panel and some other edits
Reviewed M Fabi Fx89 Edit bookmarks panel and some other edits
Approved   AliceWyman updated link to renamed article, other small edits
Approved   Jeff Removed an extra space, minor punctuation updates.
Approved M AliceWyman [Fx87] How do I add the Bookmarks Menu button to the toolbar?
Approved M AliceWyman "How to use Keywords..." h2 headings removed to shorten TOC; moved Keyboard Shortcuts article link, other edits
Approved   AliceWyman minor reorg (How do I add the Bookmarks Menu button to the toolbar? section moved up)
Approved   AliceWyman How do I find my bookmarks? removed h2 heading markup to shorten TOC
Approved M AliceWyman How do I organize my bookmarks? "Other Bookmarks" no longer default in fx84+ (see discussion)
Approved M AliceWyman "Other Bookmarks folder" edits
Approved M AliceWyman Bookmarks Toolbar, Other Bookmarks folder for fx84+
Approved   AliceWyman removed pre-fx68 content, other minor edits
Approved M Angela Lazar Updates for Fx85, Bug 1685504
Approved M AliceWyman How to turn on the Bookmarks Toolbar {for fx85} see discussion
Unreviewed   Micah Tigley Update "How to turn on the Bookmarks Toolbar" section for Firefox 85 on Mac.
Approved M Franz_von_Suppe small fix for {for}
Approved   Angela Lazar fixed typo
Approved M Angela Lazar Small edits to last revision
Approved M Franz_von_Suppe added information about keywords for bookmarks
Approved   Angela Lazar Added video
Approved M AliceWyman bookmark all open tabs for mac; other edits
Approved M AliceWyman bookmark all open tabs in fx64
Unreviewed   jscher2000 - Support Volunteer Bookmark All Tabs was removed from the context menu. There's now an item that bookmarks selected tabs in its place.
Approved M Lan Minor edit (image alignment)
Approved M AliceWyman How do I find my bookmarks?
Approved M AliceWyman more edits
Approved M AliceWyman Linked to Bookmarks Toolbar article
Approved M AliceWyman a few more edits
Approved M AliceWyman more edits
Approved M AliceWyman {for win,linux} How do I add the Bookmarks Menu button to the toolbar? (not needed for Mac)
Approved M AliceWyman added Library image, other edits
Approved   Scribe Extraneous apostrophe removed
Approved M AliceWyman How do I add the Bookmarks Menu button to the toolbar? still applies to fx63
Approved M Joni updated with screenshot for 63
Approved   Joni updated screenshot for 62
Approved   Joni added video link as experiment
Approved   AliceWyman empty edit to see if it generates a "Share" link that's currently missing
Approved M AliceWyman edit to previous revision by Mkll
Unreviewed   AliceWyman document how to add star back to address bar - https://support.mozilla.org/questions/1210242
Unreviewed   Mkll Added note about being able to quickly view bookmarks with a keyboard shortcut.
Approved M AliceWyman {for fx57} new images; '''Edit This Bookmark''' window -> dialog box
Approved M AliceWyman {for fx57 toolbar -> address bar; purged pre-fx52 content, other small edits
Approved M Michele Rodaro Added: how to remove the Bookmarks Menu button (if needed)
Approved M jscher2000 - Support Volunteer Beta users sometimes can't find their bookmarks. Hopefully explaining how to add the Bookmarks Menu button will help them.
Approved M Tonnes fix for and heading issue, spaces
Approved M Joni updated for 57
Approved M AliceWyman Where can I find my bookmarks? sites will have a star; new screenshot for fx48+
Unreviewed   Tonnes site -> page, add comma
Approved M AliceWyman edit to pending revision: added fx48+ screenshots
Unreviewed   AliceWyman Fx48: Unsorted Bookmarks -> Other Bookmarks (bug 1257599) - could use fx48 screenshots. Removed pre-fx29 content.
Approved M user669794 removed share article
Approved M Michael Verdi Added video for fx 29
Approved M Michael Verdi fx29 screenshots, fx29 the star turns blue not yellow
Approved M Michael Verdi Set off images with a semicolon, fixed showfor, shortened bookmark all tabs tip and made it visible for all, made bookmarks toolbar instructions consistent with customize article
Unreviewed   Joni WIP: still need to update the screenshots.
Unreviewed   Joni Ready for review - added fx29, condensed some sections into tips.
Unreviewed   Joni WIP
Reviewed   ideato link to bookmarks toolbar
Approved M Ibai Removing Firefox Home
Unreviewed   scoobidiver fixed links, drop support for fx35, removed keyword
Approved M Swarnava Sengupta added the Share this article template
Approved M AliceWyman Added "How do I bookmark all of my open tabs?" section based on deferred edit by jpjp - see discussion
Reviewed   jpjp Added how to "Bookmark All Tabs"
Approved M AliceWyman removed fx35 video, added Windows XP steps to "How do I turn on the Bookmarks Toolbar?" (see discussion) and other minor edits
Reviewed   Michael Verdi added "favourite" keyword
Approved   Michael Verdi added language to indicate that a bookmark will be made for the page you're on when you click the star
Unreviewed   scoobidiver Win screenshots remove on Linux, added note about syncing bookmarks, fixed minor things
Unreviewed   Ben made some win images viewable to linux, added must be on website
Approved   vdavisson Changed it's to its. I can explain if necessary. :)
Approved MT Michael Verdi put back win screenshot after new template as that image is still correct
Unreviewed   AliceWyman added the new Template:OpenBookmarksLibrary to the section, "Working with your bookmarks in the Library window"
Approved   Besnik Deleting "the" from "...you can change any of the these details..." sentence.
Reviewed   Caique Lobo Minor addition to keywords.
Approved M Underpass if you put {for not fx35} first, the win,fx35 condition is never verified
Approved M scoobidiver added missing icon image, fixed typo errors
Approved M Michael Verdi Made suggested changes, new intro, explained using the location bar, additional screenshots
Unreviewed   David Tenser corrected minor typos
Unreviewed   Michael Verdi updated for fx4, new mac and win screenshots, simplifed sections, new headings, added section about sync
Unreviewed   Michael Verdi Saving work in progress
Unreviewed   Michael Verdi Saving work in progress
Unreviewed   Michael Verdi Saving work in progress
Approved   Michael Verdi changed keywords
Approved   Michael Verdi added summary and keywords
Unreviewed   Tonnes nit: remove space before final stop

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