Forum Response - Troubleshooting media issue in Firefox

Firefox Firefox Created: 2 days, 13 hours ago 100% of users voted this helpful


Would you please do the following steps to help our team troubleshoot the issue further?

  • Open a new tab and type in about:logging into the URL bar.
  • Set the logging preset to Media playback.
  • Click on the Start Logging button.
  • Reproduce the bug (i.e. go to the web site that is broken for you, play the media and make the bug happen in the browser).
  • Click on the Stop Logging button when you finish capturing the bug. A new tab will open with the Firefox Profiler information.

Click on the Upload Local profile menu in the top right corner of the Profiler page. Tick the check box next to include hidden threads in the dialog that show up and then click the Upload button to submit the log.

  • Share the profiler link with us so we can investigate further. The link usually starts with

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