How to View and Manage Saved Articles in Pocket for iOS

Pocket Pocket Last updated: 7% of users voted this helpful

To see your saved articles

  • Open Pocket and tap on Saves at the bottom of the screen.
  • Switch between Saves and Archive: At the top of the screen, you will see two buttons – Saves and Archive. Tapping on Saves will display all your saved articles and Archive will show you all the articles you have archived.
  • You can also use the search bar to search for specific saved or archived articles by typing in a keyword.

Swipe across the top menu to sort your saved articles

To access more options, swipe the top menu to reveal buttons for Search, All, Tagged, Favorites, and Sort:

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The following options are available:

  • Search: search for a specific article by typing in its name or keyword.
  • All: display all your saved articles.
  • Tagged: filter articles by tags.
  • Favorites: filter articles that you marked as favorite.
  • Sort: sort your articles by Newest saved, Oldest saved, Shortest to read, and longest to read.

Manage your saved articles:

To manage readings individually, you can use the options available for each saved article in Pocket. Here's how to access and use those options:

  1. Tap Saves in the navigation bar to see a list of your saved articles.
  2. Each saved article has several options, including the ability to add a reading to your favorites, share a reading, and access more options from the three-dot menu to add a tag, archive, or delete the article.

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Adjust Your Reading Preferences

When you open a saved article, Pocket will try to open it in the Article View, a more reader-friendly interface, but it can also open in Original View, which is the interface of the website where the article was originally published.

Article View:

If the reading opens in Article View, the top navigation bar displays the following options: Pocket article view

  • Archive the saved article.
  • Switch to Original view.
  • A three-dot overflow menu with options to:
    • Change display (font) settings.
    • Mark the article as a favorite.
    • Add a tag to the article.
    • Share the article.

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