History of Sign up for Pocket with your Mozilla account

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Revision history for:

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current M Dayani Lucia G.F. Mozilla account rebrand
Approved M Vesta Removed the sentence "or sign up with your email address" since new Pocket users need to sign up for a Firefox account or login with 3rd party.
Approved   Fabi Lowercased Firefox account mentions
Approved   Fabi Lowercased Firefox account mentions
Approved M AliceWyman new fx88 fx89 images
Approved M AliceWyman Manage Permissions ➔ Manage Exceptions in fx79+ (bug 1642165)
Unreviewed   Fabi [Fx88] Pocket toolbar SS and Manage Exceptions... button
Approved M Michele Rodaro "Manage Permissions…" button is in the Cookies and Site Data section
Approved M AliceWyman {for not fx65}{button Exceptions…}{/for}{for fx65}{button Manage Permissions…}{/for} button.
Approved M Joni updated new link to Pocket
Approved M Joni updated for 57
Approved M AliceWyman {menu Privacy} for fx56: {menu Privacy & Security}
Approved M philipp update to "privacy & security" panel in options for 56+
Approved M AliceWyman Problems signing up -- ''Sign Up'' loop - fixed broken link
Reviewed M Simon Updated graphic so uses newer UI in both OS and Fx. Higher quality HiDPI too.
Approved   pollti added [[T:optionspreferences]]
Approved M Tonnes Replace optionsorpreference template call by its content due to inserted space (bug 720228)
Approved M Joni added a section to address an issue reported by users
Approved M Joni pocket on firefox = pocket for firefox
Approved M Joni made it explicit that you can sign up with your email address
Approved M Joni updated screenshot
Approved M Joni trying new screenshot again
Approved M Joni updated screenshot and flow
Approved M Joni corrections
Approved MT Joni 1st draft

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