Why do some results say action needed with Mozilla Monitor Plus?

Mozilla Monitor Mozilla Monitor Last updated:

Mozilla Monitor is enhancing its functionality to guide users on manually removing their data when data broker sites don’t comply with our automated removal request.

The manual removal guidance in Monitor is essential to protect your personal data when automated removal processes encounter challenges, such as non-compliant data brokers. For instance, some data brokers require additional steps, like verifying data ownership, before agreeing to its removal. In these cases, when a data broker site does not comply with Monitor's automated requests, users must follow manual steps to ensure their profiles are securely removed.


Manual Removal Instructions

If a data broker does not comply with our removal request, Monitor will prompt you with the right steps to remove the exposure manually.

  1. On the Dashboard, locate the exposure with the action needed button status.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow and select the Resolve exposure button button.
  3. A prompt will open guiding you through the steps. We recommend reading View removal instructions before proceeding with manual removal.
  4. After reading the instructions, click the button Back to exposure button to take action.
  5. Click go to data broker site button. You will be directed to the website to remove your profile.
  6. Once you’ve completed the removal steps, click the marked resolved button button.
  7. The status of the exposure will change to Removed button, showing the action was successful.

Common questions

Why would I need to manually remove my data instead of relying on automated removal?

Automated removal may fail for various reasons, such as mismatched information, the data broker site doesn’t comply with the request, unsupported formats, or specific data broker policies requiring manual verification. In these situations, manual removals ensure your request complies with these requirements and helps you regain control over your data.

How will Monitor help me with manual removal?

Monitor will notify you when automated removal fails and provide step-by-step instructions to help you successfully submit a manual request.

Will I need to remove my data from every data broker manually?

No. Many brokers support automated removal, Monitor will continue automatically removing your data from data broker sites selling it. However, if a broker's policies or technical limitations prevent automation, manual removal will be necessary for that specific case.

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