I have some sort of bug what underlines/links a random word in a page and then gives an add for Apple stuff,how do I get rid of this?
I have some sort of bug what underlines random words in a page, as it is a link. When you put your mouse on it it gives an add for Apple product. When you click it you will be redirected to a website. http://buyorbury.com/page/sur/sur-22/NL/winner-ipad.php?engsec=4
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All Replies (14)
It sounds as if you have some sort of adware or malware installed on your computer.
Look in your Firefox lisitings for toolbars or other helpers etc that you have not deliberately installed:
- USE Firefox Button -> Add-ons
-> extensions
-> plugins
and do similar using the Windows Control panel to look at the programs installed in Windows (You may need to take care not to uninnstall something that you need,but at least with Firefox add-ons or plugins you may usually initially just disable them)
See also
Thanks. I only see normal plugins. Can I see somewhere when the plugins were installed?
If you are seeing double underlines, and it happens only on certain sites it may be due to advertisements using
If so you need to find some way of blocking that see for instance solved thread /questions/774975
If however it is some plugin that you are having a problem removing see
- Troubleshoot issues with plugins like Flash or Java to fix common Firefox problems_manually-uninstalling-a-plugin
It only occurs in Firefox and I can't see anything strange in the plugins. Do you see anything strange in the following settings:
browser.cache.disk.capacity 1048576 browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run false browser.cache.disk.smart_size_cached_value 1048576 browser.places.smartBookmarks Version4 browser.startup.homepage about:home browser.startup.homepage_override.buildID20120905151427 browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone15.0.1 extensions.lastAppVersion15.0.1 gfx.direct3d.prefer_10_1 true keyword.URL http://www.google.com/search?q= network.cookie.prefsMigrated true places.database.lastMaintenance 1348132265 places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages 104858 privacy.donottrackheader.enabled true privacy.sanitize.migrateFx3Prefs true privacy.sanitize.timeSpan 4 security.warn_viewing_mixed false
Thanks. I only see normal plugins. Can I see somewhere when the plugins were installed?
Does the Windows Control panel options -> software not give the date of installation ?
I asked earlier, does this sort of problem only show up on certain websites ?
if so which websites, can you give a couple of examples ?
The other question I asked is are the underlines double ?
This problem only shows up with Firefox. not with Opera or IE.
The words are not double underlined and show up on almost every website I open with Firefox. It does not show up in the Firefox help website.
Example 1: http://www.kiesjestudie.nl/studie9474-Muziek.html see picture muziek1 and 2 . Redirects to http://vara_dwdd_strandlaken_17.ad682.nl/response/?p=300
example 2: http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/cbr see picture cbr 1 and 2 redirects via http://i.trkjmp.com/click?v=Tkw6MTY5OTU6Njpjb21pYyBib29rczpiZTgyMjY2MjA2ZTgwMGJiOGViOGExNmU5ZjI5NjdjYjp6LTEwNjMtMjAzOTI6d3d3LmZpbGVpbmZvLmNvbToxMjU1MzppbWFnZV9vbmx5 to http://globalvisitorsurvey.com/survy-neth/quiz-ns.php?engsec=7&t202kw=comic%20books
IN Windows Control are no strange new programs what can be the cause.
Install and use the restartless add-on SearchReset recommended in one of the articles I linked to. Does that at least temporarily stop this problem.
From a web search I noted a correlation between buyorbury and urlquery.net I am wondering whether you have ended up with some form of adware installed from those sites. Malware scanners are not always very good at detecting this sort of thing, probably partly because such software may go under many different names and in some cases be installed deliberately.
To look for malware or adware you will need to scan with multiple versions of up-to-date scanner sites/tools see for example: /questions/914980#answer-302372
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It was indeed a text-enhance malware. I followed the instructions from botcrawl.com and got rid of the problem.
Thanks John99 and Cor-el !
Problem description of John99 is right. You have advertising malware in your plugin and it might be hidden. I've fixed this problem by blocking the associated link in my anti virus and spyware program. You can do the same thing in your anti virus or anti spyware program. But you may need to copy the correct link. Copying that link can be done by "***Right click on your unwanted underlined link*** and choose ***copy link location***." Then use that link in your anti software under "Setting >>> Global Action List" . The link might be too long when you copy it. Just delete the words after " .com" word. The advertising link of my problem is >>"http://i.trkjmp.com" Good luck.
This is malware. Go to Tools=> add-ons
Then open the Extensions tab
You will see some nasty adware extension there.
Remove it.
I did.
Hello, I had the exact same problem, it kept giving me random links to win a free iPhone and what not. I searched all my plug-in's, extensions, add-ons, and couldn't find anything at all, i ran all kinds of anti-virus, malware, spyware and security scans an still found nothing, however, I looked in my Add/Remove programs and it was in there call 'coupon companion plugin', and as soon as i removed this, the problem was solved straight away. But be on the safe side and restart your machine afterwards.
Yes very exasperating too! I had it and have now disabled it by going to tools/manage addons/extensions and disable any you do not recognise. I did Autopager, Free HDSSport and gophotoit and it fixed it. You can enable them selectivelely but I did not bother. Slows up your browser anyway :-)
Several people i know have had this problem and in each case it was resolved by turning of the "save as" add-on.