Deleting Your Pocket account

Pocket Pocket Viimeksi päivitetty: 20% of users voted this helpful
Kukaan ei ole vielä auttanut kääntämään tätä artikkelia. Jos tiedät jo, miten SUMOssa lokalisoidaan, voit aloittaa kääntämisen nyt. Jos haluat oppia, miten SUMO-artikkeleita käännetään, aloita tästä.

You can deleteyour Pocket account through the website or app on your phone. If you want to keep any of your saved links, be sure to grab your saved item URLs using our export tool or open your links outside of Pocket to preserve them after your account is deleted. See Exporting your Pocket saves.

Pocket Premium subscribers: Be sure to cancel your subscription before deleting your account. Deleting your account does not cancel your subscription automatically.

To permanently delete your Pocket account and all associated data, follow these steps:

  1. Go to .
    Note: You must be logged into Pocket to delete your account. If you do not remember your password, reset it.
  2. On the topright corner, click your profile picture.
  3. From the menu select Manage profile.
    Manage profile desktop
  4. Scroll down to the Privacy section and click the Delete Account desktop button button next to Delete my Pocket account.
  5. A warning will pop up on your screen to let you know this is permanent. Click the checkbox to confirm you understand this.
    checkmark desktop delete account pocket
  6. Click the Delete account desktop button.

Delete your Pocket account through the app

  1. Open your Pocket app and tap Settings.
  2. Under the Account, select account management.
  3. Click the Delete account option.
  4. A warning will pop up on your screen to let you know this is permanent. Click the checkbox to confirm you understand this.
    warning check mark
  5. Click the Pockete Delete account button button.

If you have any questions about deleting your account, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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