Get started with Mozilla Monitor

(Ohjattu sivulta Firefox Monitor)
Mozilla Monitor Mozilla Monitor Viimeksi päivitetty: 84% of users voted this helpful
Kukaan ei ole vielä auttanut kääntämään tätä artikkelia. Jos tiedät jo, miten SUMOssa lokalisoidaan, voit aloittaa kääntämisen nyt. Jos haluat oppia, miten SUMO-artikkeleita käännetään, aloita tästä.

Mozilla Monitor is a data breach notification service offered by Mozilla that warns you if your online accounts have been involved in a data leak. Using the Have I Been Pwned database, Mozilla Monitor keeps track of known data breaches and notifies you if your online accounts are compromised, providing guidance on how to proactively protect yourself going forward.

Check if you've been part of a known breach

To see if your online accounts have been exposed in a data breach:

  1. Open your web browser and go to
  2. Click Get free scan to initiate the search.
    Get free scan
  3. Select Start my free scan
    Start my free scan
  4. Enter your information starting with your first name, last name, city and state, and date of birth.
    Enter your details
  5. Select the button Find exposures.
    find exposures
  6. Confirm your details are correct.
    confirm details
  7. Scroll down to view the details of the breaches that could compromise your online accounts.

Now that you're aware of the breaches involving your online accounts, check Resolve breaches with Mozilla Monitor to learn how to take proactive actions and mitigate the damage that could come from them.

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