How to add devices to your Mozilla VPN subscription

Mozilla VPN Mozilla VPN Viimeksi päivitetty: 58% of users voted this helpful
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You can register up to five devices with a subscription to Mozilla VPN. In this article, you’ll learn the steps to add and remove devices after installing the app.

Add a device

To add a device to your subscription, simply install Mozilla VPN on that device and sign in to your Mozilla account.

  1. Install Mozilla VPN on your desktop computer or mobile device.
  2. Open Mozilla VPN.
  3. Sign in with your Mozilla account (only required the first time).

Your device will appear on your list of registered devices.

Remove a device

Note: You can remove a device from another device. You won’t be able to remove the device that you’re currently using to access the app.
  1. Open Mozilla VPN.
  2. Click (or tap) the settings icon vpn settings icon.
    settings without the speedtest
  3. Click (or tap) Devices to see a list of your registered devices.
  4. In the top right corner of your screen, click (or tap) the Edit option.
    Devices edit
  5. You will see the trash icon trash next to your devices.
    Trash can next to the device
  6. Click the trash icon trash to remove the device and select the Remove button to confirm.
    Remove button

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