How do I restore my Mozilla VPN Subscription on my mobile device?

Mozilla VPN Mozilla VPN Viimeksi päivitetty: 50% of users voted this helpful
Kukaan ei ole vielä auttanut kääntämään tätä artikkelia. Jos tiedät jo, miten SUMOssa lokalisoidaan, voit aloittaa kääntämisen nyt. Jos haluat oppia, miten SUMO-artikkeleita käännetään, aloita tästä.

If you purchased your Mozilla VPN subscription from Apple or Google Play and switched to a new phone or reinstalled the app, follow the steps in this article to restore your subscription.

  1. Open Mozilla VPN.
  2. Click (or tap) on Already a subscriber.
  3. Enter your Mozilla account email address.
  4. Click (or tap) on Get started.
  5. Enter your password.
  6. Click (or tap) on Sign in.
  7. Wait while your account is being verified.
  8. You will be taken to the payment screen.
  9. Click (or tap) on Already a subscriber.
  10. Wait for your subscription to be confirmed.
  11. If an active subscription is found, you will be redirected to the data collection screen to accept or reject data collection on your device. For more information, please see our Data Privacy Policy.
  12. After accepting or rejecting data collection, Mozilla VPN will be ready to use.

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