How do I update Mozilla VPN?

Mozilla VPN Mozilla VPN Viimeksi päivitetty: 59% of users voted this helpful
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Update Mozilla VPN regularly to have access to the latest features. This article describes the steps to do it.

Update Mozilla VPN from the update banner

When a new version is available for download, a banner will appear after you start the application. Click (or tap) on Update now to download it.


Update Mozilla VPN from the website

If no update banner appears, visit the Mozilla VPN website and download the installer directly.

Note: You may have to sign in via Already a subscriber at the top right corner of the page to be able to download the app.

Update Mozilla VPN from within the app

  1. Click (or tap) the Settings vpn settings icon icon.
  2. Click (or tap) on the About us button.
  3. Click (or tap) Check for updates (this option is available on version 2.7 and above).

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