Mozilla account deletion due to inactivity

Mozilla Account Mozilla Account Viimeksi päivitetty: 5 päivää, 11 tuntia ago 100% of users voted this helpful
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Mozilla periodically deletes inactive accounts by our retention policies. If you haven’t signed in or used your account after two years, your account could be scheduled for deletion. This helps reduce risks for inactive users and ensures compliance with our data retention policy. Before that happens, we’ll send three email reminders so you can take steps to keep your account.

Who is affected by this?

Accounts that have remained inactive for two years and do not have an active paid subscription are subject to deletion.

How to keep your Mozilla account active

Sign in to keep your account
  1. To avoid deletion due to inactivity, click the link within the notification email.
  2. On the sign-in page, complete the sign-in process.
  3. A confirmation message will pop up on your screen letting you know your account will remain active.
Note: You can also sign into your Mozilla account normally, however you will not receive the same confirmation notification as if you had used the emailed link. This will still preserve your account.

Signing into your account regularly or using Mozilla products such as Firefox web browser with sync are also great ways to keep your account active.

Common questions

What if I already signed in before receiving the email?

You will still be able to click the Sign in to keep your account button within the email. However, if you already signed in to your Mozilla account, no further actions are needed. Your account is safe.

What should I do to avoid losing my account?

To prevent deletion, open the email and click the Sign in to keep your account button. After signing in, a confirmation message will pop up on your screen letting you know that your account and data are safe.

What happens if my account is deleted?

If your account is deleted due to inactivity, you will lose the following data from the cloud:

  • Access to all Mozilla services linked to your account.
  • Saved data, including bookmarks, passwords (if using Firefox Sync), and purchase history.
Note: The data saved on your devices (bookmarks, passwords, etc) will not be deleted and can be synced to a new account by signing into your Firefox web browser.

Can I recover a deleted account?

Once an account is deleted, it cannot be restored. Make sure to sign in or use the Sign in to keep your account link in the reminder emails before the deletion date.

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