Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ or Prime error after installing Firefox version 84 on Mac

Tämän artikkelin sisältöä ei enää ylläpidetä, joten se saattaa olla vanhentunutta.

If you're on a Mac with Apple Silicon and are experiencing errors when trying to watch Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Prime or another streaming service after installing Firefox 84+, you might need to install Rosetta. Rosetta is required on Mac with Apple silicon in order to run some apps.

To learn more about Rosetta, see Apple's support page.

Sample error messages

Some of the error messages may say:

  • Netflix: Pardon the interruption. We’re having trouble playing Netflix…Error code F7702-1003
  • Hulu: Can’t play title. We’re having trouble playing this video. Please try again later.
  • Disney+: Something went wrong. Please try again...Error Code 83
  • Amazon Prime: Video unavailable. We’re experiencing a problem playing this video…

How to install Rosetta

If you're encountering these errors, please install Rosetta by following these steps:

  1. Open Terminal by typing it in your computer’s Spotlight Search field or double-clicking it in Finder → Applications → Utilities → Terminal.
  2. In the terminal window, run the command: /usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta
  3. Agree to the license terms, follow the instructions by pressing A and then pressing return.
    terminal rosetta

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