Sort your bookmarks to quickly find the ones you want

Firefox Firefox Viimeksi päivitetty: 52% of users voted this helpful
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This article describes how to arrange your Bookmarks in Firefox. You can sort the bookmarks in a folder by name, or you can manually rearrange them.

Sorting by name

  1. Click the menu button Fx89menuButton to open the menu panel. Click Bookmarks and then click the Manage bookmarks bar at the bottom.
  2. Right-clickHold down the Ctrl key while you click on the folder you want to sort, then select Sort By Name. The bookmarks in that folder will be sorted alphabetically.

    Sort Bookmarks Win1

Sorting bookmarks by name in the Library window will be reflected in the Bookmarks sidebar, menu, and button.

Rearranging manually

  1. Click the menu button Fx89menuButton to open the menu panel. Click Bookmarks and then click the Manage bookmarks bar at the bottom.
  2. Click the folder that contains the bookmark you want to move to expand it.
  3. Click on the bookmark you want to move and then drag it to the position where you want to move it.

    Sort Bookmarks Win2
    • To move a bookmark into a different folder, drag it on top of the folder.

Changes you make in the Library window will be reflected in the Bookmarks sidebar, menu, and button.

Sorted views in the Library window

To view your bookmarks in various sort orders, use the Library window:

  1. Click the menu button Fx89menuButton to open the menu panel. Click Bookmarks and then click the Manage bookmarks bar at the bottom.
  2. In the left pane, click on the folder you want to view. Its contents will appear in the right pane.
  3. Click on the 8e73ef8e153c803696ebf3687e07ee15-1252027203-152-1.png Views button, then select Sort, and then select a sort order.

The sort order in the Library window is for viewing purposes only, and will not be reflected in the Bookmarks sidebar, menu or button.

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