Tab overview menu

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Firefox’s tab overview menu is designed to help you manage and navigate your open tabs. Whether you have just a few tabs or many, this feature lets you quickly find, organize and switch tabs, providing a smooth browsing experience. This article will guide you on how to use the tab overview menu to maintain a tidy and organized browser environment, regardless of the number of tabs you have opened.

Access the tab overview menu

Click the tab icon 2 icon at the top-right corner of the Firefox window, next to the tabs bar. A drop-down menu will appear, with some menu options and a list of all your open tabs. Each listed tab shows the title and favicon of the webpage. The active tab will be shown in bold type.

Tab overview menuTab overview menu V129tab overview menu fx133

Manage tabs

  • Search tabs: The Search tabs option at the top of the menu lets you use the address bar to find a specific tab, by typing in keywords related to its content.
  • Tabs from other devices: Use the Tabs from other devices option in the tab overview menu to access tabs that are open on your other devices synced with your Mozilla account. This feature helps you continue browsing seamlessly across devices. Simply click on the desired tab to open it on your current device.
  • Close all duplicate tabs: To quickly close all yourany duplicate tabs, select the Close all duplicate tabs option. A pop-up asking you to confirm this will open. Click Close tabs to proceedClose duplicate tabs option. This will automatically identify those tabs with the same URL and will only keep open the last active tab.
  • Open a new container tab: The New container tab option, if available, will open a tab in a different container. This allows you to keep your browsing activities separated by context, such as work and personal. For more information about Firefox containers, see How to use Firefox containers.

Navigate tabs

  • Switch tabs: Scroll through the tabs list and click the tab you want to switch to. This will immediately bring the selected tab into focus.
  • Close a tab: To close a tab directly from the menu, click the icon after the tab's title.

For more information on managing tabs, check out the Tab context menu article.

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