Use the Firefox Sidebar to access bookmarks, history and synced tabs

Firefox Firefox Viimeksi päivitetty: 62% of users voted this helpful
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Firefox comes with a convenient Sidebar button which lets you access your bookmarks, history and synced tabs in one click. This article shows you how to use this feature.

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Note: An updated Sidebar is available to a portion of Firefox users, starting in Firefox version 133. For more information, see this Mozilla Connect discussion.

Add the Sidebar button to your controls

  1. Click the menu button Fx89menuButton, then click More tools and select Customize Toolbar… A panel will open with all the controls you can add to Firefox.
  2. Drag and drop the Sidebar button to your menu or toolbar. It's your choice!

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  3. Click the Done button to save your changes.
To learn more about customizing your Firefox buttons and toolbars, see Customize Firefox controls, buttons and toolbars.

Toggle the Sidebar on and off

  1. Simply click the Sidebar button, then click on the option that you'd like to load.
  2. To turn off the Sidebar, click on the Sidebar button again, and then click to uncheck the option that you'd like to turn off.

Move the Sidebar to the left or right

The Sidebar shows up on the left by default, but you can also move it to the right.

  1. Click the arrow next to Bookmarks to expand the menu.
  2. Select Move Sidebar to Right.

    move sidebar 57

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