How to contribute to the Knowledge Base

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Thank you for your interest in contributing to our Knowledge Base. This resource serves as a vital link between Mozilla and millions of users worldwide, offering support and answers for their product-related queries. The active participation of our community is crucial for the Knowledge Base to thrive, directly impacting the assistance provided to tens of thousands of users every week.

Broadly speaking, there are two main pathways through which you can contribute to the Knowledge Base:

  • Help us improve existing articles: The most common thing we do in the glamorous world of Knowledge Base maintenance is to try to improve the articles we already have.
Before you write or edit an article, make sure to read About the Knowledge Base.

If you're really interested in editing and writing documentation, here are a few resources that should help explain how we do things:

Create new support articles

Improve existing support articles

Other guidelines

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Développez et partagez votre expertise avec les autres. Répondez aux questions et améliorez notre base de connaissances.

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