Discover page FAQ

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Discover Feed FAQ

To save an item from your recommendations, just click or tap the Save button.

If you’ve opened an item from your recommendations on iOS or Android and have decided to save it, tap the + button in the toolbar.

How can I hide an item?

If a recommended item wasn’t interesting to you, if you’ve already read it elsewhere, or if you don’t think it belongs in your Discover feed for any other reason, you can hide it from your feed. Hiding items will help shape your Discover feed over time, helping Pocket deliver better suggestions that are more personalized to you.

To hide a recommended item, just click or tap the ●●● button, then select Report, and you’ll be able to tell us why you’d like to hide it.

Is the Discover Page Available In My Language?

Discover is available in English and German at this time. We plan to make the Discover feature available in additional languages in the future.

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