Sequential step markers list

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Sequential step markers play a crucial role in making documentation clear and user-friendly. They link each action within the UI to the corresponding text steps, reducing the need for multiple images and minimizing confusion. This technique is particularly effective for detailed instructions within the same window or context, as it allows for multiple steps to be depicted in a single, well-annotated screenshot.


Here’s an example of how to use sequential step markers in a screenshot:

Sequential Step Markers example

Use the Sequential Markers

  1. Save the markers you need from the list below.
  2. Open the screenshot you want to edit in your preferred image editor.
  3. Drag and drop the markers into the image.
  4. Ensure they correspond with the text steps, following the example above.
  • 1 - Sequential step marker
  • 2 right - Sequential step marker
  • 3 right - Sequential step marker
  • 4 right - Sequential step marker
  • 5 right - Sequential step marker
  • 1 left - Sequential step marker
  • 2 left - Sequential step marker
  • 3 left - Sequential step marker
  • 4 left - Sequential step marker
  • 5 left - Sequential step marker

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