Social Support - Responding from personal account

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Responding to support tweets from personal account

If you’re just starting out, you can use your personal account and use the recommended TweetDeck tool or Twitter Search to casually contribute to users who are looking for help in a Mozilla product as well as advocate for the product in your network.

Setting up the tool

Setting up a workspace on Tweetdeck or using Twitter Search is a great and easy way to start contributing to Social Support. You just need to remember one thing, don't forget to include your reply with #fxhelp.

Please see the article Social Support - Configure tools and workspace to learn how you can configure your tool/workspace to contribute to the Social Support program as well as how you can find support tweets from your setup.

Finding support tweets

There are a lot of spams and noises on Twitter (not to mention the abundance of memes!). Just in case you want to read a bit more about identifying a user looking for support on social media, we have provided a few descriptions and a visual guide. This is an example of someone looking for help: Support request sample on Twitter

Some other characteristics of a support issue in Social Media are:

Starting a dedicated support account

Generally, we don’t restrict our contributors to reply from their personal accounts (even if they have access to reply from our official account). There’s just one rule that we’d like to emphasize, which is to include #fxhelp in their reply.

There are few contributor’s-driven accounts like Random Firefox User and Emma Tweets Tech that have gained public recognition for their expertise on Mozilla’s products. In general, we allow these types of accounts as long as they don’t pretend to be an official account and don’t spread false information about our products.

There are also other benefits of using a personal account. One of them being the freedom to recommend unofficial fixes, which we don't recommend from our official account.

Complete Social Support guidelines

If you're interested in supporting Firefox users on social media (mainly, Twitter), please follow along these guidelines that will help explain how we do things:

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