Disable ALL AI
I am an ADVANCED USER & a search in '"'s Double quotes must return nothing but what is in the double quotes!!!!!! Now the IQ=1 AI developers have disabled this absolute unchangeable & legally require function! So where is a HOWTO that allows totally tuenibf OFF all AI? This AI now makes it over 10,000 times harder to search.
Today I'm attempting a simple search for a song lyirc I know which says "When pleasure is your master, convienence is your heart's desire" which is the excat wording from the song, but never ever now find that due to AI's interference in thed search!
This abuse of the USER must stop. We advance users never ever need AI to find a dingle thing foer us as we know exactly whazt we are looking for & need no interverence by "THE IQ OF 1 AI".
If this is not fixed then "FIX IT NOW!!!!!"