I can't find Firefox Focus in Germany, Austria or Switzerland

Firefox Klar Firefox Klar Moheñoimbyre: 71% poruhára ovota kóva iporãha
Avave noipytyvõi gueteri oñemoñe’ẽasa hag̃ua jehaipyre. Eikuaámarõ mba’éichapa omba’apo SUMO moñe’ẽasa, ikatúma emoñe’ẽasa ko’ág̃a. Eikuaasérõ mba’éichapa emoñe’ẽasáta SUMO, jehaipyre, ikatúma eñepyrũ ápe.

Klar by Firefox is the German-language version and only available in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. It includes the same features as the English-language app Focus by Firefox.

Why did we change the name/replace the app?

The publishing and media company Burda, which the news magazine FOCUS belongs to in Germany, is one of our partners. We therefore decided to replace our app "Focus by Firefox" in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland by "Klar by Firefox".

Ko’ã tapicha mba’eporã oipytyvõ ojehai hag̃ua:

Illustration of hands


Ekakuaa ha emoherakuã nerembiapokue ambuéndi. Embohovái porandu ha embotuichave ore kuaapy.
