Saving to Pocket manually

Pocket Pocket Ñembohekopyahu paha: 26% poruhára ovota kóva iporãha
Avave noipytyvõi gueteri oñemoñe’ẽasa hag̃ua jehaipyre. Eikuaámarõ mba’éichapa omba’apo SUMO moñe’ẽasa, ikatúma emoñe’ẽasa ko’ág̃a. Eikuaasérõ mba’éichapa emoñe’ẽasáta SUMO, jehaipyre, ikatúma eñepyrũ ápe.

Even if you're using Pocket on a computer that doesn't allow you to install the Pocket browser extension, you can still save pages to Pocket by visiting the Pocket website and clicking the + in the toolbar.

Save URL

The Save a URL button will let you enter an item's URL (web address). Hit Add to save the URL.

Save URL in Pocket

After the item has been saved, you can add Tags or open the item in your Saves.

Ko’ã tapicha mba’eporã oipytyvõ ojehai hag̃ua:

Illustration of hands


Ekakuaa ha emoherakuã nerembiapokue ambuéndi. Embohovái porandu ha embotuichave ore kuaapy.
