NOT (Read, Favorite, People in Address book, tagged, with attachement) email selection
Use case:
10 email address UNIFIED inbox 20 emails: 4 read and/or favorite and/or tagged and/or with attachment 16 NOT (the opposite)
Need to select all one which are not favorites - > they have to be archived
With Quick select there is a way to select all that has 1 or more attribute
BUT there is no way to select those which have NOT 1 or more attribute (the inverse)
The mails list can't be sorted to attribute values, attribute NEGATIVE values
Is there a way to do it?
If not: It might be quite insane logically not let the user to filter mails WITHOUT a certain attribute. There should be a button with the possibility to invert the list. Or something like that. Shift-click on quick selection buttons which negate a filter. ??? Filtering/searching means: not relevant, "relevant: Yes", "relevant: No". Today "relevant: No" is not implemented Email workflows (archiving, ...........) use NOT favorite, NOT tagged etc selections: I want to archive everything except those which are favorites, which are tagged etc.