ટેગ કરેલા પ્રશનો બતાવી રહ્યાં છે: બધા પ્રશન બતાવો

Moving filed mails to standard location

I have TB 115.15.0 on an old PC (W10) I want to move TB to a new PC (W11) If I go to Help> Troubleshooting Information And click on show folder it gives location of m… (read more)

I have TB 115.15.0 on an old PC (W10) I want to move TB to a new PC (W11)

If I go to Help> Troubleshooting Information And click on show folder it gives location of my profile as: C:\Users\Rick\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\4p8y3fgt.Rick Now that does contain ‘a mail folder’ of 48MB but it is not all of my filed mail. (local folders There is a filed mail folder for (local folders) at: E:\My email\Local Folders ( this is where my overall filed mails are) E:\My email\pop3.btconnect.com (this is an older account, no longer used)

I would like to get them both onto the C:\ active profile On new PC application & data will both be in C:\

What is best approach to homogenise the data so all on C:\ location data to new W11 PC ….. assuming I should first move stored mail to C:\ get it all working OK;

I'll do that Anybody advise on steps ? TB installed on C:\ On E: there are 2 folders E:\My email\Local Folders ( this is where my overall filed mails are) E:\My email\pop3.btconnect.com (this is an older account, no longer used)

I would like to get them onto the C:\ active profile Then I can move the lot to a new PC

Asked by rick_hughes 18 minutes ago

Journal Notes

I find that I have forgotten most of what I have learned about Thunderbird. Recently I needed to "refresh" the folder list from one of my email accounts for I had created… (read more)

I find that I have forgotten most of what I have learned about Thunderbird. Recently I needed to "refresh" the folder list from one of my email accounts for I had created a subfolder under a parent folder while using the browser to access the email account online. I remembered that I was able to "refresh" the folder list very easily for this happened in the past. I was able to find the resolution in Thunderbird's FAQ/Help, but that took some time.

You probably noticed that I quoted the word "refresh", that isn't the correct search criteria for it is actually a synchronization issue. Before you search how to Synchronize folders:

    1) Right click the email account
    2) Select "Subscribe" from the pull down list.
    3) A list will popup of all of the folders for that account
    4) Highlight any folder that doesn't have a checkmark in the box to the right of each folder and place a checkmark in the box by selecting the box.
    5) Select "Refresh" from the right panel, then select "OK"

Although I could use a PC based journal, I would like to have such a journal/note section within Thunderbird so that I can keep How-to notes.

Asked by hfayersjr 39 minutes ago

Thunderbird 128.2.2 esr - PDF attachments are sometime damaged and cannot be open.

PDF attachments to emails are sometimes corrupt. They are not displayed when the email is opened (only a blue line is shown); after they are saved they cannot be opened (… (read more)

PDF attachments to emails are sometimes corrupt. They are not displayed when the email is opened (only a blue line is shown); after they are saved they cannot be opened (Adobe and also EDGE give a message that the file is damaged). The same attachments can be opened and saved correctly using the free Outlook application from Windows. I noticed the problem this month. The installed version of Thunderbird is Thunderbird 128.2.2 esr - but the problem also existed with version 128.2.1.

Asked by sr 2 days ago

Last reply by sr 49 minutes ago


Dear sir, over the last few weeks Thunderbird has been crashing, this is to adding files or downloading files, over the years that i have been using this program, i neve… (read more)

Dear sir, over the last few weeks Thunderbird has been crashing, this is to adding files or downloading files, over the years that i have been using this program, i never have had this problem. also i dont know if this is also a problem,

i have in my inbox over 1gig and other files that are from 10 to 150mb in size.

this is the latest crash report form saving a file to my hard drive

BuildID: 20240912165517

CrashTime: 1726639577 InstallTime: 1726638587 ModuleSignatureInfo: {"Adobe Inc.":["CoreSync_x64.dll"],"Apple Inc.":["mdnsNSP.dll"],"Bitdefender SRL":["atcuf64.dll","bdhkm64.dll","gemmauf64.dll"],"Microsoft Corporation":["FileSyncShell64.dll","MSOXMLMF.DLL"],"Microsoft Windows":["msvcp_win.dll","combase.dll","msxml3.dll","ntshrui.dll","wpdshext.dll","PlayToDevice.dll","cscui.dll","PortableDeviceApi.dll","dui70.dll","explorerframe.dll","linkinfo.dll","wscapi.dll","thumbcache.dll","EhStorShell.dll","wpnapps.dll","twinapi.dll","Windows.FileExplorer.Common.dll","wdmaud.drv","Windows.Storage.Search.dll","dbgcore.dll","Windows.Security.Integrity.dll","edputil.dll","Windows.StateRepositoryPS.dll","ondemandconnroutehelper.dll","cscapi.dll","ksuser.dll","mpr.dll","winmmbase.dll","msacm32.dll","wininet.dll","msxml6.dll","DevDispItemProvider.dll","dataexchange.dll","dlnashext.dll","duser.dll","midimap.dll","ktmw32.dll","msacm32.drv","StructuredQuery.dll","atlthunk.dll","oleacc.dll","comctl32.dll","GdiPlus.dll","usp10.dll","TextShaping.dll","DWrite.dll","dbghelp.dll","Windows.UI.Immersive.dll","InputHost.dll","Windows.Globalization.dll","davclnt.dll","urlmon.dll","Windows.UI.dll","srvcli.dll","iertutil.dll","samcli.dll","ntlanman.dll","directmanipulation.dll","BCP47mrm.dll","TextInputFramework.dll","EhStorAPI.dll","Bcp47Langs.dll","NetworkExplorer.dll","OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll","davhlpr.dll","ColorAdapterClient.dll","drprov.dll","mscms.dll","twinapi.appcore.dll","WindowManagementAPI.dll","msimg32.dll","avrt.dll","FWPUCLNT.DLL","xmllite.dll","rasadhlp.dll","winrnr.dll","pnrpnsp.dll","NapiNSP.dll","wsock32.dll","winhttp.dll","samlib.dll","MMDevAPI.dll","winmm.dll","AudioSes.dll","d2d1.dll","d3d11.dll","dcomp.dll","dhcpcsvc.dll","CoreUIComponents.dll","wtsapi32.dll","CoreMessaging.dll","nlaapi.dll","dhcpcsvc6.DLL","apphelp.dll","winnsi.dll","usermgrcli.dll","version.dll","wshbth.dll","WinTypes.dll","policymanager.dll","propsys.dll","globinputhost.dll","WindowsCodecs.dll","uxtheme.dll","dwmapi.dll","rmclient.dll","kernel.appcore.dll","windows.storage.dll","dxgi.dll","winsta.dll","secur32.dll","msvcp110_win.dll","wkscli.dll","ntmarta.dll","umpdc.dll","IPHLPAPI.DLL","dnsapi.dll","netutils.dll","powrprof.dll","mswsock.dll","CRYPTBASE.DLL","wldp.dll","msasn1.dll","devobj.dll","userenv.dll","sspicli.dll","profapi.dll","gdi32full.dll","win32u.dll","wintrust.dll","ucrtbase.dll","bcrypt.dll","KERNELBASE.dll","cfgmgr32.dll","crypt32.dll","bcryptPrimitives.dll","shlwapi.dll","user32.dll","coml2.dll","nsi.dll","msvcrt.dll","imm32.dll","clbcatq.dll","oleaut32.dll","msctf.dll","advapi32.dll","ole32.dll","psapi.dll","gdi32.dll","shell32.dll","SHCore.dll","ws2_32.dll","setupapi.dll","sechost.dll","rpcrt4.dll","kernel32.dll","ntdll.dll","MsftEdit.dll","TaskFlowDataEngine.dll","cdp.dll","NETAPI32.dll","OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll","npmproxy.dll","dsreg.dll","kbdus.dll","netprofm.dll","resourcepolicyclient.dll","LOGONCLI.DLL","cryptsp.dll","comdlg32.dll"],"Microsoft Windows Software Compatibility Publisher":["msvcp140.dll","VCRUNTIME140.dll","VCRUNTIME140_1.dll"],"Mozilla Corporation":["thunderbird.exe","xul.dll","rnp.dll","gkcodecs.dll","nss3.dll","freebl3.dll","mozglue.dll","nssckbi.dll","softokn3.dll","lgpllibs.dll"]} ProductID: {3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6} ProductName: Thunderbird ReleaseChannel: esr StartupTime: 1726638586 SubmittedFrom: Client Throttleable: 1 UptimeTS: 991.0 Vendor: Version: 128.2.1 WindowsErrorReporting: 1 This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.

Asked by Muzzas Books 3 days ago

Last reply by Muzzas Books 56 minutes ago

sleep function windows 10

Several impressions of my thunderbird inboxes appear on screen after the sleep function has been activated when the pc is left on. When I put the impression away I someti… (read more)

Several impressions of my thunderbird inboxes appear on screen after the sleep function has been activated when the pc is left on. When I put the impression away I sometimes lose all the emails inwards.bold text

Asked by alan 2 hours ago

Thunderbird not printing on oenSUSE

Thunderbird is getting in a tight loop when I try to print any email. The hangup is occurring when I execute the print command. The basic dialog appears with the "Prepar… (read more)

Thunderbird is getting in a tight loop when I try to print any email.

The hangup is occurring when I execute the print command. The basic dialog appears with the "Preparing Preview" message. The right side of the window appears with only "Print" and the separator line below it.

I must terminate the loop by running the System Monitor and kill the program. If I just close the dialog window, Thunderbird continues to run.

I don't know how to fix the problem. Any thoughts?

This is on openSUSE Tumbleweed. Details follow:

KDE Plasma Version 6.1.5

KDE Frameworks version 6.6.0 Qt Version 6.7.2 Kernel Version 6.10.9-1-default (64-bit) Graphics platform: Wayland

I have had the same problem with older versions of the system for at least a month.

My system is a white box with 16x AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight core processor and 16 gb of ram. I have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 TI/PCIe/SSE2

Asked by johnrcox 8 hours ago

Last reply by johnrcox 8 hours ago

Can't establish connection with Xfinity server.

A recent Windows update on my Dell laptop resulted in an unusable copy of Windows(thanks Microsoft). After much time and effort, Microsoft's only solution was to do a fre… (read more)

A recent Windows update on my Dell laptop resulted in an unusable copy of Windows(thanks Microsoft). After much time and effort, Microsoft's only solution was to do a fresh install of Windows which we did. Of course all software and apps had to be reinstalled. I have used Thunderbird on this laptop for years successfully. I downloaded the most current verision of Thunderbird and installed it. I then attempted to add my email account. I entered my name, email account name, and password. Message came back, "Configuration found in Mozilla ISP database." Configuration shows Incoming: IMAP, SSL/TLS. Outgoing: SMTP, SSL/TLS. I then clicked on the "Done" box. Next an Xfinity window opens with my username. The next box says "Let's go". I clicked that box. A window pops open that says, "ACCESS DENIED, You don't have access "http://login.xfinity.com/login" on this server. I googled that line and found many responses. I tried many of the solutions shown to no avail. I then contacted Comcast/Xfinity. After hours on the phone and finally reaching Comcast Assurance Level 2, the agent and I tried various things and still to no avail. So, here I am. Anyone there have any ideas on how to proceed. Thanks to anyone who tries.

Asked by Bob Craig 11 hours ago

Sending emails

Thunderbird 128.2.2esr (64-bit) stopped sending emails. It receives OK. This happens in web.com who is my isp. The error message says "Sending of the message failed. A… (read more)

Thunderbird 128.2.2esr (64-bit) stopped sending emails. It receives OK. This happens in web.com who is my isp. The error message says "Sending of the message failed. An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: Domain Spoofing Prohibited. Please verify that your email address is correct in your account settings and try again." Do you have any idea what the problem is?

Asked by markgoff 20 hours ago

Last reply by markgoff 16 hours ago

Gmail: Moving and archiving won't delete from the server

Basically, I'm trying to use Thunderbird to clear some space on my Gmail account. I'm using IMAP. However that just won't work (most of the time). If I archive emails to … (read more)

Basically, I'm trying to use Thunderbird to clear some space on my Gmail account. I'm using IMAP. However that just won't work (most of the time). If I archive emails to a local archive or move it to a local folder, a) nothing happens, b) the files are actually moved (and appear in the archive folders)... but the mails remain on the server when checking through Gmail itself. Also, the mails reappear after 10-20 minutes. c) mails are actually moved and they are removed from the server. Mostly it's a or b.

I have tried all deletion options... delete directly (doesn't appear to work), mark as deleted (won't free up space) or move to Trash. Depending on the folder it used to work for a short while, with the mails appearing in the trash folder, ready for deletion. But that stopped working again.

This is all super frustrating and I have no idea if this is a bug or expected behaviour.

Asked by kadajawi 1 day ago

Last reply by kadajawi 17 hours ago

How can I complete the move of Thunderbird from Drive C: to Drive D:?

I run Thunderbird on a PC, and, to free up space on Drive C:, I have moved the contents of the folder Thunderbird in Appdata to Drive D:. I then changed my Server Setting… (read more)

I run Thunderbird on a PC, and, to free up space on Drive C:, I have moved the contents of the folder Thunderbird in Appdata to Drive D:. I then changed my Server Settings, in Thunderbird, from C: to D:, and note that any new mail is indeed now appearing there along with those already transferred. This move could save me a valuable 6 gig of space, and more in the future, however, I am unable to remove that original Thunderbird folder entirely, notably I am unable to remove the contents of the Profiles folder, as it is still linked to the application. Notably with cookies.sqlite, cookies.sqlite-shm, store.json, mozlz4, aborted-session-ping and many others, which I note some have continued to be updated. I have been unable to find any other settings in Thunderbird referring to Drive C:, other than those in Server Settings.

I could presume that if I installed another version of Thunderbird on Drive D: and maybe moved those existing contents of the Thunderbird folder on C: onto Drive D:, and made those numerous settings changes to the App it could work. But I ask is there an easier way to complete this move? How can I complete this transition of Thunderbird from Drive C: to Drive D:?

Asked by Alan Macleay 1 week ago

Last reply by Alan Macleay 17 hours ago

Unable to send messages using Office 365 / Thunderbird for Linux

I installed Thunderbird and typed in my Office 365 email information to connect my account. Thunderbird found the correct IMAP settings, which I verified on Microsoft's w… (read more)

I installed Thunderbird and typed in my Office 365 email information to connect my account. Thunderbird found the correct IMAP settings, which I verified on Microsoft's website. It proceeds to open a browser so I can authenticate my account. After that succeeds it starts downloading all of my messages & folders. I thought everything went fine until I attempted to send a message. I get the following error:

Login to server smtp.office365.com with username me@mydomain.com has failed.

It gives me the option to enter a new password, which doesn't make sense since it's oAuth2 but I created an app password to see if that would work, and it didn't. The only other options are cancel & retry which don't help either.

I thought maybe something went wrong with the authentication process so I uninstalled thunderbird and started again with the same results. I've tried many other server settings, but nothing works, so I'm here.

Current Settings:

Server Name: smtp.office365.com User Name: me@mydomain.com Authentication Method: oAuth2 Security: STARTTLS Port: 587

I've tried: Using Port 465 / SSL/TLS Using Port 465 / STARTLS Using Port 587 / SSL/TLS Changing Auth method to Normal Password and then using app-specific password. Uninstall / Resintsall

One final thing to note: I followed the same process with my fastmail.com account, which worked flawlessly. I can send & receive fine.

Asked by nicksasso21 20 hours ago

Last reply by nicksasso21 19 hours ago

Thunderbird keeps generating inbox-n folders

I have been running Thunderbird for many years, currently on a Windows 10 PC, and always been pleased with its performance. Using it to monitor 5 email accounts, each on … (read more)

I have been running Thunderbird for many years, currently on a Windows 10 PC, and always been pleased with its performance. Using it to monitor 5 email accounts, each on a separate folder. Recently I noticed that on three of the accounts extra folders are appearing named inbox-1, inbox-2, inbox-3... then inbox-5 appeared today. There is also inbox.msf.compact-backup and a couple of nstmp folders. They contain copies of all emails in the main inbox over differing periods but going back to 2016 when it was first loaded.

I assume this is something to do with compacting but why has it started it doing now and how do I get rid of these folders which are, presumably, duplicating all my messages and taking up disk space.


   Tad O~

Thunderbird ver 128.2.2esr POP3

Asked by ian.catchpole 19 hours ago

Event description not showing for attendees

Hi, When I create an event in Thunderbird Agenda, I add a description and I send the event to attendees. These attendees receive the invitation to the event, but the des… (read more)


When I create an event in Thunderbird Agenda, I add a description and I send the event to attendees. These attendees receive the invitation to the event, but the description is not showing.

What can I do?


Asked by Francois Prevost 20 hours ago

Thunderbird 128.2.2esr (64-bit) - previous version (yesterday for me) was working with office365 - now NOT

I see that part of whats new in this release FIXED = fixed Some users were unable to log in to Microsoft 365 -However NOW with this version I cannot login. Please adv… (read more)

I see that part of whats new in this release FIXED = fixed

Some users were unable to log in to Microsoft 365

-However NOW with this version I cannot login.

Please advise

The configuration settings have not changed re: Authorization. Anyone else with this issue? TIA

Asked by Rudy 23 hours ago

Last reply by Rudy 22 hours ago

Help Needed with oauth Login Issues

I've been using Thunderbird for several years now without any issues, and I currently have the latest version installed. I typically have multiple email accounts logged i… (read more)

I've been using Thunderbird for several years now without any issues, and I currently have the latest version installed. I typically have multiple email accounts logged in. Recently, I tried adding a Gmail account, but it wouldn’t log in, showing the error: "Unable to log in at server. Probably wrong configuration, username, or password."

I’ve tried the usual fixes like closing and reopening Thunderbird, clearing cache files, and even searching online for solutions. Based on what I found, I’ve tried turning off VPN/antivirus, changing the default browser, clearing browser data, and, finally, uninstalling and reinstalling Thunderbird after removing all my email accounts.

Now, I’m unable to log in to any of my accounts, which were working fine before. Can anyone guide me on how to resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance!

Asked by Guru A 1 week ago

Last reply by Guru A 1 day ago

Just updated to Thunderbird version 128.2.1esr (64-bit) and seem to have lost a couple of functions.

Hi Folks, As I said above, I just updated to Thunderbird version 128.2.1esr (64-bit) and seem to have lost a couple of functions, in particular the ability to make a new… (read more)

Hi Folks,

As I said above, I just updated to Thunderbird version 128.2.1esr (64-bit) and seem to have lost a couple of functions, in particular the ability to make a new Tab, and the use of an extremely handy Add-on, Shrunked Image Resizer. I have Mac OS 12.7.6 and I noticed in the release notes for 128.2.1esr (64-bit) that this latest version's System Requirements are MacOS 10.15 or later. Does that mean that I should not have downloaded the latest version, and if so, how can I revert to an earlier version of TB that will allow me to use Tabs and Shrunked Image Resizer? I thought that Thunderbird was capable of recognizing which version of Mac OS I have and thus would not suggest I update to the latest version of TB if it won't work as it did with an earlier version of TB. I would be very grateful if you could suggest a solution to my problem.

Thanks, Chris O'Brien

Asked by chrisnt1 1 day ago

Last reply by chrisnt1 1 day ago


Hi, I use the latest Thunderbird email client 128.2.2esr (64-bit). Microsoft announced that to make it work with outlook all users have to make changes in settings for … (read more)


I use the latest Thunderbird email client 128.2.2esr (64-bit). Microsoft announced that to make it work with outlook all users have to make changes in settings for more security. I did all that they wrote and can receive emails on my .......@outlook.com email address, but I can't send emails due to absence of authentication setting for outgoing server. I attached screenshots FYI. Is it possible to fix this issue? It's required to add authentication setting for outgoing server.

Regards, Leonid.

Asked by Sam Lost 1 day ago

Last reply by Sam Lost 1 day ago

Support authentication with SCRAM-SHA-256

Is it possible to use authentication with SCRAM-SHA-256 for SMTP and IMAP? I tried with the Thunderbird version 102.10.1 but failed to get that authentication. It doesn't… (read more)

Is it possible to use authentication with SCRAM-SHA-256 for SMTP and IMAP? I tried with the Thunderbird version 102.10.1 but failed to get that authentication. It doesn't seem to support SCRAM-SHA-256 from the error message. Could you please help me to solve this problem?

Asked by T.Harry 2 days ago

Last reply by T.Harry 1 day ago