Autofill Credit Cards in Firefox for iOS

Firefox for iOS Firefox for iOS Zadnje ažuriranje: 16 % korisnika smatra ovo korisnim
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Streamline your online shopping with Firefox for iOS Credit Card and Payment Method Autofill. With just one tap, this feature automatically populates your payment information at checkout, saving you time and effort while giving you peace of mind that your data remains secure.

Access the Credit Card Autofill Feature

  1. Launch Firefox on your iOS device.
  2. Tap the menu icon in the bottom-right corner.
    Firefox ios menu icon
  3. Select Settings from the menu options.
    Firefox iOS Settings
  4. Scroll down and tap Payment Methods under the Privacy section.
    Payment Methods menu
  5. Make sure the Save and Fill Payment Methods option is enabled.
    Save and Fill Payment Methods

Add Credit Card Information

  1. On the Payment Methods Feature page, tap +.
    Add a Payment Method
  2. Enter your cardholder name, credit card number, and expiration date.
    Firefox ios enter card details
  3. Double-check the details for accuracy, and, on the top-right, tap Save.

Edit and delete Saved Credit Cards

  1. On the Payment Methods Feature page, tap the saved credit card you want to modify.
    Payment methods - view saved cards
  2. Tap Edit to allow modifications to the credit card you chose.
    Firefox ios edit card 2
  3. Modify the Credit Card information and tap Save, or tap Remove Card to delete it.
    Firefox ios edit or remove card

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