Configuration Options for Attachments

Thunderbird Thunderbird Zadnje ažuriranje: 6 % korisnika smatra ovo korisnim
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This page describes Thunderbird's configuration options for attachments.

Specify where attachments are saved

Menu location: Thunderbird > PreferencesTools > OptionsEdit > Preferences > Attachments

Configure what happens when I click on attachments

Menu location: Thunderbird > PreferencesTools > OptionsEdit > Preferences > Attachments

Allow me to view "hidden" attachments

There is a special view mode for messages which allows you to see all of a message's attachments, even "hidden" ones, in its attachments list.

Because this view mode is not needed by most users and could be confusing to some, it is disabled by default. To enable it, use the Config Editor to change the preference mailnews.display.show_all_body_parts_menu to true.

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