Customize your New Tab page to hide or display content

Firefox Firefox Zadnje ažuriranje: 1 week,1 day ago
Nitko još nije pomogao prevesti ovaj članak. Ako već znaš kako funkcionira lokalizacija za SUMO, počni prevoditi. Ako želiš naučiti kako prevesti članke za SUMO, počni ovdje.

You can personalize your New Tab page to show the search box, shortcuts to your most visited sites, recommended stories, pages you've visited or bookmarked recently, or nothing at all. This article will show you how to change this content.

Change your New Tab page content

Click the gear Fx89Personalize-GearIcon icon in the top right corner of the New Tab page. A panel will open, showing content you can customize. Click the toggle next to a section to switch it on Fx89Personalize-ToggleOn or off Fx89Personalize-ToggleOff, to show or hide that section.

Note: Starting with Firefox version 128, you can customize your Firefox New Tab page background with a selection of wallpapers. To learn more, see Customize your wallpapers.
  • Shortcuts: This displays your most visited sites. (Use the drop-down menu to indicate how many rows of Shortcuts you want to view.)
  • Sponsored shortcuts: Select this check box to see the occasional sponsored site. To learn more, see Sponsored shortcuts on the New Tab page.
  • Recommended by Pocket:Recommended stories: This displays stories that are popular among Pocket users.
  • Sponsored Stories: Select this check box to see the occasional sponsored Pocket story. To learn more, see Pocket sponsored stories on new tabs and this Pocket New Tab FAQ page.
    Recommended by Pocket storiesPocket Thought-provoking stories on the Firefox New Tab page is a feature currently available in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, Italy, France and Spain. We're working to bring it to other countries.
  • Recent activity: This displays recent Web activity, such as pages you've visited or bookmarked. To choose what type of content is displayed, go to your Firefox Settings Home panel (see below).
  • Weather: Starting with Firefox version 128, the New Tab page displays your local weather, providing quick updates directly in your browser. For details, see Customize items on your Firefox New Tab page - Weather.

    progressive rollout banner This feature is experimental and is being introduced to the Firefox user base through a progressive rollout. It may not yet be available to all users.

    Note: This feature is currently available in the U.S. and Canada; other locations will be added over time.

Fx89Personalize-GearIcon Manage more settings: This opens the Firefox Settings Home panel, where additional settings are available.

Blank New Tab page

The New Tab page opens by default each time you open a new tab. If you prefer a blank page when opening new tabs:

  1. Click the gear Fx89Personalize-GearIcon icon in the top right corner of the New Tab page.
  2. Click Fx89Personalize-GearIcon Manage more settings at the bottom of the panel.
  3. Under New Windows and Tabs, select Blank Page from the New tabs drop-down menu.

If you prefer a blank page as your home page when you start Firefox or open a new window, follow the above steps but select Blank Page from the Homepage and new windows drop-down menu. For more information about changing your Firefox home page, see How to set the home page.

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