Export bookmarks to Safari

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You can export your Firefox bookmarks for use in other browsers. This article shows you how to export your Firefox bookmarks and import them into Safari.

Note: This article applies to Mac. The Safari browser is no longer available for Windowsnot currently available for Linux.

Exporting bookmarks from Firefox

  1. Click the menu button Fx89menuButton to open the menu panel. Click Bookmarks and then click the Manage bookmarks bar at the bottom.
  2. In the toolbar of the Library window click the import-export-arrows Import and Backup button
    import-export-arrowsImport and Backup and choose Export Bookmarks to HTML… from the drop-down menu.
    Library window - Export Bookmarks to HTML

  3. In the Export Bookmarks File window that opens, choose a location to save the file, which is named bookmarks.html by default. The desktop is usually a good spot, but any place that is easy to remember will work.
  4. Click Save. The Export Bookmarks File window will close.
  5. Close the Library window.
Your bookmarks are successfully exported from Firefox, to import them into Safari proceed to the next section.

Importing bookmarks into Safari

  1. Start Safari
  2. On the menu bar, click on the File menu and choose Import Bookmarks....

  3. Find the file you saved from Firefox and click Import.


Click on the Bookmarks menu to ensure all of your bookmarks have been successfully imported.

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