Restore the default Smart Bookmarks Folders

Firefox Firefox Zadnje ažuriranje: 33 % korisnika smatra ovo korisnim
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Note: Smart Bookmarks folders are no longer created in new Firefox profiles starting with Firefox version 63.

In Firefox version 62 and below, Firefox includes the following bookmark folders by default:

  • Most Visited: Available from the Bookmarks toolbar, this folder lists pages you have visited the most number of times.
  • Recent tags: Available from the Bookmarks menu, this folder keeps track of the bookmark "tags" you've used most recently. Expand the Recent Tags folder to see a list of tags, then expand each tag to show pages you've recently bookmarked using that tag. For more information on tags, see Bookmark Tags - Categorize bookmarks to make them easy to find.

If you have deleted one or more of these default "Smart Bookmarks" folders, you can restore them by doing the following:

Warning: These instructions are for experienced Firefox users. Changing settings in the Configuration Editor (about:config) can have serious effects on your browser’s stability, security and performance.
Only proceed if you are comfortable with advanced settings and understand the potential impacts.

  1. Type about:config in the address bar and press EnterReturn.
    A warning page may appear. Click Accept the Risk and Continue to go to the about:config page.
  2. Search for the preference browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion.
  3. Click the Edit Fx71aboutconfig-EditButton button next to browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion and change the value to 0 (zero).
  4. Click the Firefox menu Fx89menuButton and select Exit.Click the Firefox menu at the top of the screen and select Quit Firefox.Click the Firefox menu Fx89menuButton and select Quit.

The next time you start Firefox, the default Smart Bookmarks folders will be re-created.

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