Set Firefox as the default browser for iOS

Firefox for iOS Firefox for iOS Zadnje ažuriranje: 46 % korisnika smatra ovo korisnim
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If you're on an iOS 14+ device and have Firefox 28.2 or higher, you can set Firefox as your default browser. By making Firefox your default, any links you click on in other apps will automatically open in Firefox, a browser that respects your privacy. Even if you have lots of links open, Firefox's easy-to-manage tabs makes browsing a breeze.

Set Firefox as default browser (requires iOS 14)

To set Firefox as the default browser on your iOS device, you must have iOS 14 (or higher) and Firefox for iOS version 28.2 (or higher).
  1. If you see a display card, tap Go to Settings. Alternatively, you can open the Settings, then scroll down and tap Firefox.
  2. Tap Default Browser App.
    set default ios
  3. Choose Firefox from the list.
    choose firefox default ios

Older versions of iOS

Apple does not allow changing the default browser on older versions of iOS (pre-14). If you're on an older version of iOS, you can use the following workaround.

Add Firefox to your share menu

If Firefox is not yet in your share menu:

  1. From Safari, tap the share icon share button ios at the bottom of the screen to bring up the share menu.
    share button ios full
  2. Scroll the row of app icons right to the end, then tap the More button.
    more button ios
  3. Tap Edit in the top-right corner.
  4. Tap the switch next to Firefox to enable it.
    add firefox share ios
  5. Tap Done in the top-right corner.
Tip: Drag the Firefox icon to the beginning of the share panel, so it appears first on the list.

Send pages from Safari to Firefox

  1. From Safari, tap the share icon share button ios at the bottom of the screen to bring up the share menu.
    Note: You can also long-press on a link to bring up the share menu for that link, instead of for the page you are on.
    share button ios full
  2. Choose Firefox as the destination in the share menu.
    send to firefox ios

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