Set up a passcode and Face ID in Firefox for iOS

Firefox for iOS Firefox for iOS Zadnje ažuriranje: 38 % korisnika smatra ovo korisnim
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For increased security, you can choose to activate either Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode to access your stored passwords.

Enable Face ID, Touch ID or Passcode for Logins

Apple Face ID and Touch ID are only available on certain iOS versions and devices.
  1. Tap the menu button at the bottom of the screen (the menu will be at the top right if you're using an iPad):
    Firefox ios menu icon
  2. Tap Settings in the menu panel.
    Firefox iOS settings
  3. Scroll down to Privacy and tap Passwords.
    Firefox iOS Passwords
  4. If prompted, tap OK to allow Firefox to use Face ID/Touch ID to access your saved logins.
  5. Tap Continue.
    Firefox iOS Passwords 2
  6. You're all set! Going forward, your saved logins will be safeguarded by Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode, depending on your iOS version and device type.
    Firefox iOS Passwords 4

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