How do I program my roku for PBS through Firefox?
I'm trying to install PBD on my Roku. I need to program HTTP://help.pbs.org then type in a code. Where do I start.
Svi odgovori (1)
Before you begin, I recommend having your pbs.org account login info (username and password) ahead of time because you will need that info for this process. If you need to create a free PBS account or recover password or such for the free PBS account do that ahead of time. Also noting part of the process (installation of channel and display of activation code) for this happens on your Roku device (television) and then you switch to your mobile, desktop, laptop device and browser (going to pbs.org and entering an account login and activation code for activation) Follow these steps: A. Roku television screen steps: 1-Start Roku to display Roku on device (these first steps happen via the Roku television screen interface) 2-Use Roku Search and search for PBS to find channel (it will be called just PBS and have a channel icon next to it in search results) 3-Select PBS channel in search results, then select Add channel 4-You will see a dialogue box that will say Channel Added where you should select OK button 5-Select Go to Channel 6-You should see a prompt to Activate Your Roku that shows the activation URL and Your code. Next you will switch to the mobile, laptop, desktop browser to complete activation. B. Mobile, laptop, desktop browser based steps: 7-Launch Firefox on your mobile, laptop or desktop device and type pbs.org/activate (or whatever URL displays on your television) 8-This will take you to a page called Activate PBS Video with a field to type in your activation code 9-Type the activation code from your tv screen into the field and click or tap Continue 10-You will come to a sign in page in the browser on mobile device or laptop/desktop. You can sign in with an existing PBS, Facebook or Google account login. Here I will describe signing in using the PBS account. 11-Once you've signed in to the PBS account in the browser, you will next see a browser page for choosing your local station. Select your local station and see confirmation page that says Success! Your Roku is now activated. 12-Go back to your television screen and the activation screen should automatically refresh (if it takes a while, be patient, it should happen eventually.) 13-Watch awesome free PBS content on your television with Roku!