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This new update caused an error with my Windows. I am in safe mode but need to go back to the previous version of Firefox

Can you tell me how to restore to the previous version. It was the only change to my computer last night and prevented windows from loading. I am currently in safe mode… (saznaj više)

Can you tell me how to restore to the previous version. It was the only change to my computer last night and prevented windows from loading. I am currently in safe mode.

Pitanje od Glroia prije 5 dana

Updating to latest firefox browser

Having succesfully updated to the latest version of Firefox on a Linux System, how can I make this version my default browser? When I click on the icon in the panel (bott… (saznaj više)

Having succesfully updated to the latest version of Firefox on a Linux System, how can I make this version my default browser? When I click on the icon in the panel (bottom of screen) it launches the old version, but if I click on a link in an email it launches the new version.

Pitanje od Chris Klein Overzero prije 5 dana


Why would I update the browser if when I do it seems to make it easier for advertisers to jam me with ads. I use adblockers for a reason.

Pitanje od Drew Drummer prije 6 dana