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syncing and bookmarks

My computer had to be "factory reset" last night (I don't know if that's what it's called - but I have to re-install things like my Firefox). When I reinstalled Firefox,… (saznaj više)

My computer had to be "factory reset" last night (I don't know if that's what it's called - but I have to re-install things like my Firefox). When I reinstalled Firefox, it populated with an older version of my Firefox's bookmarks. I have Firefox on my mobile device - and it still has the latest version of my Bookmarks.

The desktop installation prompted me to sync my devices -- but, would this old desktop prevail over my phone Firefox? Or is there a way I can make my phone Firefox replace my desktop version? (I spent about 2 hours organizing my bookmarks into folders, about 3 months ago ... and I've added tons more, of course).

I do have a Firefox Recovery Key that I took note of a year or so ago --- If there's a way to use that, will it give me the bookmarks I had up to yesterday afternoon? If so - how do I use it

Pitanje od Shawna prije 6 minuta

Book of Mozilla

Hello! I would like to dump Chrome and return to using Firefox. I just would like to know if it's possible somehow to remove about:mozilla page from within a browser (it… (saznaj više)


I would like to dump Chrome and return to using Firefox. I just would like to know if it's possible somehow to remove about:mozilla page from within a browser (it's important for me). If anyone knows of a way to do it - please let me know.

Thank you!

Pitanje od Yevhen prije 19 minuta

Facebook Issues

Lately Facebook will not completely load in firefox. I have no issues with google chrome. It will load the first 1-2 posts then either it say Error with the wrench or jus… (saznaj više)

Lately Facebook will not completely load in firefox. I have no issues with google chrome. It will load the first 1-2 posts then either it say Error with the wrench or just blank and flashes.

Pitanje od cloudi prije 43 minute

firefox wont work after windows 11 updates complete

i am running windows 11 after windows updates, my firefox will open but the search bar does not open and i cannot use it i uninstalled and reinstalled firefox i went t… (saznaj više)

i am running windows 11

after windows updates, my firefox will open but the search bar does not open and i cannot use it

i uninstalled and reinstalled firefox

i went to settings to make it my default browser

no help

Pitanje od Mike Roe 1 sat prije

Urlbar search suggestions bloated whenever window not maximized

The appearance of search suggestions changes to a bloated and verbose style whenever the window is not maximized. Observed since update 135 (from 134). Also no custom us… (saznaj više)

The appearance of search suggestions changes to a bloated and verbose style whenever the window is not maximized.

Observed since update 135 (from 134). Also no custom userChrome.css file is used.

How to keep appreance consistent / compact / normal (in all window-sizes)?

Preferably without a custom userCrhome.css file. I looked through all results on urlbar.quicksuggest in about:config but couldn't figure out any helpful setting.

Related threads/questions/keywords: search, urlbar, suggestion, quicksuggest, bloated, style

Best I could find:

Pitanje od eBeL 5 sati prije

Einstellung "mailto"

Hallo, ich habe im Zusammenhang mit dem Übergang zu Windows 11 das Office 2024 Pro installiert. Dabei haben sich zwei Probleme gezeigt: 1. Für das versenden von Links mi… (saznaj više)

Hallo, ich habe im Zusammenhang mit dem Übergang zu Windows 11 das Office 2024 Pro installiert. Dabei haben sich zwei Probleme gezeigt: 1. Für das versenden von Links mit Emails habe ich in den Einstellungen "Allgemein" unter "Anwendungen.mailto" das Programm OUTLOOK (classic) in beiden von mir genutzten lokalen Konten zugewiesen. In einem der beiden Konten wird im Gegensatz zu dieser Einstellung immer zu der Aufforderung zur Verbindungsaufnahme mit einem Microsoft-Konto verlangt. Zu einer Anzeige des Outlook-Sendefensters kommt es nicht. Welche Ursache kann es dafür geben und wie kann ich das Problem beheben? 2. Wie in dem beigefügten Bild dargestellt, erscheint bei der Nutzung der mailto-Funktion in beiden lokalen Konten diese Fehlermeldung, die bei normaler Nutzung von Outlook nicht auftritt. Meine Internet-Recherche zu dieser Fehlermeldung hat leider nichts greifbares ergeben. Könnt Ihr mir weiterhelfen? MfG, R. Ziegler.

Pitanje od raiziegler 6 sati prije

Require all downloads to ask where to be saved

I'm using Canvas, an educational portal. Every time I click on a PDF, FireFox automatically downloads the PDF to the downloads directory. When I'm not using Canvas, Fir… (saznaj više)

I'm using Canvas, an educational portal. Every time I click on a PDF, FireFox automatically downloads the PDF to the downloads directory. When I'm not using Canvas, FireFox asks me where to save the PDF. This behavior is very annoying, as I have to perform extra steps to make sure that files are saved to the correct directory.

What setting do I need to check to force FireFox to require all downloads to ask where to be saved.

Pitanje od mfuhrman 8 sati prije