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I miss on important replies to my emails as they appear together with the Subject heading

I can't find sometimes very important replies to my emails because they are filed not in the chronological order in which they arrive in my computer but are connected in … (čitajće wjace)

I can't find sometimes very important replies to my emails because they are filed not in the chronological order in which they arrive in my computer but are connected in the group of the original Subject. How can I change that? Thank you. PS. I use Win11

Prašany wot Dimitris Andrik před 1 dnjom

Videos randomly swapping between HDR and SDR

Hey, I just recently started using Firefox, and I've started to notice some odd behavior. When watching videos and reels on Facebook (Desktop version), videos will flip-f… (čitajće wjace)

Hey, I just recently started using Firefox, and I've started to notice some odd behavior. When watching videos and reels on Facebook (Desktop version), videos will flip-flop between normal and really bright and washed-out. I'm currently on Firefox 130.0 on Windows 11, and I always have HDR on. The imagery is silly, but these two screenshots (using win-shift-s) are from the same video only seconds apart, and this happens on almost all of them. Not yet tested to see if it also happens on Youtube or Twitter videos.

Prašany wot piccolo113 před 4 dnjemi

HELP! Annoying pop-ups from 123greetings appear daily. They say is via firefox. How to get rid of them?

Lately receiving annoying pop-ups from 123greetings that have nothing to do with greeting cards. Appear every time i turn on computer and on every site i engage. Says the… (čitajće wjace)

Lately receiving annoying pop-ups from 123greetings that have nothing to do with greeting cards. Appear every time i turn on computer and on every site i engage. Says they are "via Firefox".Thats why im turning to you for help.I am not technically oriented, so stating the solution as simple as possible would be appreciated. (I had a 123greetings account, which I deleted in hopes of getting rid of them. No luck.) Thanks for your help.

PS-Recent scan from Malwarebytes suggested 2 pups??? but they were quarantined. Problem persists.

Prašany wot CL Hartling před 6 dnjemi