How to delete an email mask

Firefox Relay Firefox Relay Utoljára frissítve: A felhasználók 50%-a hasznosnak találta ezt
Még senki nem segített lefordítani ezt a leírást. Ha már ismeri a SUMO-ban a fordítás menetét, elkezdheti a fordítást. Ha szeretné megtanulni, hogyan fordíthat leírásokat a SUMO-ban, kezdje itt.

With Firefox Relay you can create up to 5 masks and use them whenever you need. You can also delete a mask if you no longer want to use it.

Warning: After deleting a mask, emails sent to it will no longer be forwarded to your real mail. This mask cannot be recovered and ⁨Firefox Relay will no longer forward messages sent to it. If you use a mask to sign in to sites you care about, you should update your login with a different email address before deleting it.

To permanently delete a mask

  1. Sign in to the Relay Dashboard at
    Sign up Relay
  2. Find the mask you want to delete.
  3. Click the downward arrow to expand the options for that mask.
    Mask drop down menu
  4. At the bottom right, click the Delete button to permanently remove that mask.
    Relay Delete
  5. A confirmation window will appear informing you that deleted masks cannot be recovered. Check the box to acknowledge the notice.
  6. Click Delete.
    Delete this email
  7. Congratulations! You have successfully deleted your email mask.

Learn more

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