Firefox for Enterprise 109 - Release notes

Firefox for Enterprise Firefox for Enterprise Létrehozva: A felhasználók 100%-a hasznosnak találta ezt
Még senki nem segített lefordítani ezt a leírást. Ha már ismeri a SUMO-ban a fordítás menetét, elkezdheti a fordítást. Ha szeretné megtanulni, hogyan fordíthat leírásokat a SUMO-ban, kezdje itt.

Except where noted, everything here applies to both Firefox 109 and the Firefox 102.7 ESR.

Bug Fixes

  • When the HTTPS-only preferences were locked, the controls in preferences didn't disable. This was fixed in bug 1793905.
  • We no longer create private browsing shortcuts when private browsing is disabled via policy. This was fixed in bug 1800140. This does not apply to the ESR.
  • A new option (PrivateBrowsingShortcut) was added to the installer to prevent the creation of the private browsing shortcut during install. For more information, see this article. This does not apply to the ESR.


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