What's new in Firefox for iOS (version 35)

Firefox for iOS Firefox for iOS Létrehozva: A felhasználók 81%-a hasznosnak találta ezt
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Welcome to a new version of Firefox for iOS. This release comes with improvements to bookmarks and fixes to how the new iPad tabs behave. Also, we have updated the look of our New Tab page.

Folders for your bookmarks

When you bookmark a site, you’ll have the option to save it in a folder so you can keep your bookmarks organized.

Mobile_Bookmarks bookmark_folders

See How to add, remove, edit and move bookmarks in Firefox for iOS to learn more about bookmarking.

Opt in or out of experiments

We’ve added a new system to help us test changes in Firefox to make sure you’re getting the best experience. You can opt out of these tests at any time. See How to opt out of studies on Firefox for iOS for more information.

Thank you for supporting Firefox/Mozilla and our mission for privacy, safety and inclusion on the Web.

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