შეკითხვები ჭდეებით: ყველა კითხვის ჩვენება

copy paste

How do I copy\paste? when i try to copy\paste from one tab to the other it does nothing?? tried doing the ctrl+v still nothing

კითხვის დამსმელი Ryder77 3 დღის წინ

I can no longer past urls or blocks of copy into gmail

there is now a bug since last update which prevents me from copying material and pasting it into my gmail account on my macbook. This is not a problem on my android phone… (ვრცლად)

there is now a bug since last update which prevents me from copying material and pasting it into my gmail account on my macbook. This is not a problem on my android phone. Any suggestions as to how to fix this problem?

კითხვის დამსმელი Michael Goldfarb 5 დღის წინ