I changed a setting in Firefox, and now I am not able to login to providentcu.org , in FF, Chrome, or Edge!!! Any suggestions would be appreciated.
providentcu.org was always available prior to some change I made. I need to correct this mistake!
providentcu.org was always available prior to some change I made. I need to correct this mistake!
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Wir speichern eine Chronik Ihrer kürzlich geschlossenen Tabs für Sie.", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-c-subtitle": "Wir zeigen Ihnen alle geöffneten Tabs in allen Fenstern.", "fx-view-discoverability-secondary-button-label": "Schließen", "fx-view-discoverability-split-button-option1-label": "Diese Empfehlung nicht mehr anzeigen", "fx-view-discoverability-split-button-option2-label": "Weniger Empfehlungen anzeigen", "fx-view-discoverability-split-button-option3-label": "Einstellungen verwalten" }, "fr": { "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-a-title": "Vous ne trouvez pas l’onglet dont vous avez besoin ?", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-b-title": "Vous ne vouliez pas fermer cet onglet ?", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-c-title": "Vous ne trouvez pas l’onglet dont vous avez besoin ?", "fx-view-discoverability-primary-button-label": "Ouvrir Firefox View", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-a-subtitle": "Recherchez dans tous vos onglets ouverts et fermés pour le trouver rapidement.", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-b-subtitle": "Retrouvez-le et rouvrez-le rapidement ici. Nous conservons un historique des onglets que vous avez récemment fermés.", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-c-subtitle": "Nous vous affichons tous vos onglets ouverts, dans toutes vos fenêtres.", "fx-view-discoverability-secondary-button-label": "Ignorer", "fx-view-discoverability-split-button-option1-label": "Ne plus afficher cette recommandation", "fx-view-discoverability-split-button-option2-label": "Afficher moins de recommandations", "fx-view-discoverability-split-button-option3-label": "Gérer les paramètres" }, "it": { "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-a-title": "Non riesci a trovare la scheda che ti serve?", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-b-title": "Non volevi chiudere quella scheda?", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-c-title": "Non riesci a trovare la scheda che ti serve?", "fx-view-discoverability-primary-button-label": "Apri Firefox View", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-a-subtitle": "Cerca in tutte le tue schede, sia aperte che chiuse, per trovarla velocemente.", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-b-subtitle": "Qui puoi trovarla e riaprirla velocemente. Conserviamo per te una cronologia delle schede chiuse di recente.", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-c-subtitle": "Ti mostreremo tutte le schede aperte, in tutte le finestre.", "fx-view-discoverability-secondary-button-label": "Chiudi", "fx-view-discoverability-split-button-option1-label": "Non mostrare di nuovo questo suggerimento", "fx-view-discoverability-split-button-option2-label": "Mostra meno suggerimenti", "fx-view-discoverability-split-button-option3-label": "Gestisci impostazioni" }, "en-CA": { "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-a-title": "Can’t find the tab you need?", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-b-title": "Didn’t mean to close that tab?", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-c-title": "Can’t find the tab you need?", "fx-view-discoverability-primary-button-label": "Open Firefox View", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-a-subtitle": "Search across all your open and closed tabs to quickly find it.", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-b-subtitle": "Find and reopen it quickly here. We keep a history of your recently closed tabs for you.", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-c-subtitle": "We’ll show you every tab you have open, across all your windows.", "fx-view-discoverability-secondary-button-label": "Dismiss", "fx-view-discoverability-split-button-option1-label": "Don’t show this recommendation again", "fx-view-discoverability-split-button-option2-label": "Show fewer recommendations", "fx-view-discoverability-split-button-option3-label": "Manage settings" }, "en-GB": { "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-a-title": "Can’t find the tab you need?", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-b-title": "Didn’t mean to close that tab?", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-c-title": "Can’t find the tab you need?", "fx-view-discoverability-primary-button-label": "Open Firefox View", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-a-subtitle": "Search across all your open and closed tabs to quickly find it.", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-b-subtitle": "Find and reopen it quickly here. We keep a history of your recently closed tabs for you.", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-c-subtitle": "We’ll show you every tab you have open, across all your windows.", "fx-view-discoverability-secondary-button-label": "Dismiss", "fx-view-discoverability-split-button-option1-label": "Don’t show this recommendation again", "fx-view-discoverability-split-button-option2-label": "Show fewer recommendations", "fx-view-discoverability-split-button-option3-label": "Manage settings" }, "en-US": { "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-a-title": "Can’t find the tab you need?", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-b-title": "Didn’t mean to close that tab?", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-c-title": "Can’t find the tab you need?", "fx-view-discoverability-primary-button-label": "Open Firefox View", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-a-subtitle": "Search across all your open and closed tabs to quickly find it.", "fx-view-discoverability-treatment-b-subtitle": "Find and reopen it quickly here. 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I've been using Firefox for the various iterations of Windows for many years and it's gone smoothly. Now, when I play a YouTube or Instagram video in Windows 11, the vide… (read more)
I've been using Firefox for the various iterations of Windows for many years and it's gone smoothly. Now, when I play a YouTube or Instagram video in Windows 11, the video often becomes just an image of pixelated multicolored squares. The sound continues to play normally. On YouTube, the video continues to play. On Instagram the video tends to freeze. I've attached a screenshot from an Instagram video.
I checked my external monitor and it's definitely the laptop, which is less than a year old. This only happens with videos and other browsing works as usual. I have no issue using Chrome, so it seems to be a Firefox thing. I tried clearing the cache and history. When that didn't work, I uninstalled Firefox completely and reinstalled it. Same issue. I've attached a screenshot from an Instagram video. Thanks for any advice you can offer.
In current version of firefox when attempting to log in to yahoo.com I get the error message from AT&T: Something's gone wrong We may be having trouble with your con… (read more)
In current version of firefox when attempting to log in to yahoo.com I get the error message from AT&T:
Something's gone wrong We may be having trouble with your connection. Connecting your device to Wi-Fi could help fix the issue or try again later. If you were using an app, close this page. Otherwise, start over.
No error when using edge or chrome.
Yesterday I could not access my account to view recent statements. It would not accept username , which bank insured was correct(as it is my account #). Anything I ente… (read more)
Yesterday I could not access my account to view recent statements. It would not accept username , which bank insured was correct(as it is my account #). Anything I entered flashed an ALERT message that info was incorrect.
Several years ago (5+) I used some obscure Firefox settings to enable some sounds for the right click "Context menu" appearing and selecting an option for said context me… (read more)
Several years ago (5+) I used some obscure Firefox settings to enable some sounds for the right click "Context menu" appearing and selecting an option for said context menu. These sounds also apply to the menu bar drop-downs at the top of the browser window (Disabled by default.) I enabled these because, at the time, Firefox stopped using the native windows rendering for the context menu and menu bar and thus stopped triggering the built in windows sound API calls. Later updates however have made this a bit of an issue as Firefox plays these sounds at full volume now while I have the windows sound effects reduced in volume compared to overall system volume. These are not native windows 7/10/11 sound effects I am using and are quite harsh and slightly painful at full volume, and while reducing the volume of Firefox itself in the windows 10 sound mixer is effective on them, that simply isn't a solution due to the volume of media content in Firefox (eg: YouTube) being affected as well. I have since tried to find again the guide/article I used to enable these sounds, and manually find the value in About:Config where I believe these changes originate (I could be wrong on this), both to 0 success.
Does anyone know what obscure changes I need to make to remove these sounds?
There's a bug with Firefox 134.0.2. where I keep getting logged out of certain websites, even without clearing my cache. Is there a possible fix in the works for this is… (read more)
There's a bug with Firefox 134.0.2. where I keep getting logged out of certain websites, even without clearing my cache.
Is there a possible fix in the works for this issue?
Unfortunately my firefox keeps crashing and not sure what to do
When I run a internet speed test Edge and Chrome are consistently in the 80's range. When I run FF the speed is in the 60/s. It's causing downloads to get hung up. What c… (read more)
When I run a internet speed test Edge and Chrome are consistently in the 80's range. When I run FF the speed is in the 60/s. It's causing downloads to get hung up. What can I or FF do about this?
All is cleaer My oeker Qwtathwe iat bit nit not notw qw arwllw bw hppe, But, will vocmoch
I use the IRS form filler to pay my taxes...have for years with Firefox browser. This year (for 2024 return) when I sign into the site the 1040 form does not display cor… (read more)
I use the IRS form filler to pay my taxes...have for years with Firefox browser. This year (for 2024 return) when I sign into the site the 1040 form does not display correctly. the boxes are to the right and below the actual placement. I emailed IRS who said it is a setting in Firefox. I tried the site using Microsoft EDGE and it displays correctly. I have searched for possible solutions and tried them all like using/on and off excelerator, letting Firefox chose size and colors of sites, turned off Noton etc. I posted another question here but no replies or looks so maybe I did something wrong so I will try to post again. I have W10 fully updated and Firefox too up to date. I understand I could use Edge but never had to and prefer to use Firefox as I have before. any suggestions would be appreciated or where I can report a possible issue with Firefox. I have attached a sample. thank You
Nearly every website I try to get on to crashes. Youtube crashes almost immediately, Crunchyroll crashes when I try to play a video. Hidive doesn't crash. The Submit feed… (read more)
Nearly every website I try to get on to crashes. Youtube crashes almost immediately, Crunchyroll crashes when I try to play a video. Hidive doesn't crash. The Submit feedback website also crashes after a couple of seconds. I have done almost everything recommended to me in regards to trouble shooting. Firefox is up to date, my drivers are up to date, I cleared my cookies and turned off every plug in, but nothing works. My connection is secure, as I do not have problems when I play and download games on steam. I have tried using the link to get the the community help page, but that link doesn't work and leads to a Page Not Found page, so I can not share my latest crash report code.
I have looked this up but haven't been able to get any helpful answers.
If there is anything anybody could do that would be great.
Internet page is having issues, I try to open my email account, mu Norton password account, my bank all keeps timing out wont let me use google, I cant use your webpage, … (read more)
Internet page is having issues, I try to open my email account, mu Norton password account, my bank all keeps timing out wont let me use google, I cant use your webpage, tried to sign it it wont let me, 2 tries change password it states im locked out, what is going on
Problem with video playback; after a while/randomly, Firefox crashes, slows down the laptop and video is displayed as shown in the attached image. Laptop model: Thinkpad … (read more)
Problem with video playback; after a while/randomly, Firefox crashes, slows down the laptop and video is displayed as shown in the attached image. Laptop model: Thinkpad T16 Gen 3, CPU: Intel Core Ultra 7 165U with Intel graphics. Firefox version on windows 11: 134.02 (64bit).
For the last several days I've been having a problem with general slowness when accessing various bookmarks and/or searching in the address bar. I've disabled various ext… (read more)
For the last several days I've been having a problem with general slowness when accessing various bookmarks and/or searching in the address bar. I've disabled various extensions which I really didn't us a lot and the cache is kept clean. It also seems to using a lot of memory. Task manager was showing approx 750mb. I don't know if this amount is typical or not. I've tried a safe boot and it really didn't change anything. I would also mention that I'm not having these issues in either Chrome or Edge. I tried doing reinstall-not a clean one, but it really change anything. Any suggestions on how to proceed? Thanks
Hi everyone, About a month ago, I began experiencing issues with video playback. When I visit websites with videos (such as YouTube, news sites, etc), the videos often s… (read more)
Hi everyone,
About a month ago, I began experiencing issues with video playback. When I visit websites with videos (such as YouTube, news sites, etc), the videos often start flickering, as shown in the screenshot. This flickering is accompanied by significant lag, which only stops if I scroll away from the video or navigate off the page.
I’ve noticed that disabling hardware acceleration in Firefox fixes the flickering issue, but it introduces bad screen tearing, which is also annoying. I’d prefer to keep hardware acceleration enabled to avoid tearing, but the flickering and lag make it unusable in its current state.
Has anyone else encountered this issue? If so, are there any known fixes or settings I can adjust to resolve the flickering while keeping hardware acceleration enabled?
Here’s what I’ve tried so far:
Updated Firefox to the latest version.
Updated my graphics drivers.
Cleared cache and cookies.
Home screen shows: Error: Platform version '130.0.1' is not compatible with minVersion >=130.0 maxVersion <=130.0 My account indicates I am up to date with version… (read more)
Home screen shows: Error: Platform version '130.0.1' is not compatible with minVersion >=130.0 maxVersion <=130.0
My account indicates I am up to date with version 134.0.2 (64bit)
In addition, today all tabs are broken
bold text
I have tried everything I can think of or find on the internet about changing fonts on FireFox. My bookmarks and titles are very large and I can't get them down at all. … (read more)
I have tried everything I can think of or find on the internet about changing fonts on FireFox. My bookmarks and titles are very large and I can't get them down at all. I've tried all the suggested way on the internet by changes the fonts in settings/General but it doesn't change the font in Bookmarks. Help, I'm loosing a lot of real estate on my browser